for November, 2002

November 23, 2002

Nancy Pelosi


House of Representatives
Democratic Party Minority Leader


Democratic Party & Pelosi


Pelosi will carry the water for the Democratic Party in more ways than one. The Dems' only connection to liquid aside from Ted Kennedy's drinking history is Chiron at 15 Cancer in square to the USA's Saturn in "rule of law" Libra. Saturn, not known for its gentleness, becomes abusive when in square to Chiron posited in the soft sign of Cancer. It has gotten easy to rip at the Dems' soft underbelly, and this is well-exploited by the Right Wing.


Example: talk show host Rush Limbaugh's invective against Tom Daschle and the Democrats resulted in escalated threats of violence against Daschle and his family. [Chiron in Cancer - Family security matters] When Daschle mentioned this publicly, Limbaugh accused him of "whining." [A common Saturnine criticism] Limbaugh further stated that his words do matter. After all, The Republicans won the midterm elections handily. According to Limbaugh, if I figure his logic correctly, the Right Wing has the right to jeopardize the lives of Democrats because the GOP won the midterm elections. I'm sure right wingers everywhere believe this is philosophically sound. However, if the tables had been turned, Limbaugh, et al., would have filed complaints with the FCC along with numerous pleadings in Federal court. Therefore, Saturn in square to Chiron may be a significant chart testimony that reveals a threat to the USA's two party system (checks and balances). The Rush Limbaughs in America are a 21st century morphing of 16th and 17th century fire and brimstone preachers. Instead of Je-e-e-e-e-e-e-sus and s-i-i-i-n it becomes Liiiiiiiiibbbbberals. It is the same Sodom and Gomorrah rhetoric sans pews and pulpit. Demonizing is one of America's first and best-loved "sports." Perhaps this is what the Jerry Falwells view as the proper replacement for gladitorial games and witch burnings.

Saturn, Libra, Justice & Choice

Pelosi's chart, on the other hand, lacks the air element, which is supplied to her via the Democratic Party's chart. Now she can "think strategy" with the whole Party behind her.

The Dems' Saturn in Aries opposes its Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, bringing a stick-to-itiveness that decision-challenged Libra often needs. Pelosi's Jupiter at 17 Aries is the yeast that swells the Dems' Aries-Libra opposition to the breaking point. The party needs to re-evaluate how and when to use political War tactics (Saturn in Aries) and when to use diplomacy (Jupiter-Neptune in Libra). Pelosi's Jupiter and the Democrats' Saturn in Aries can construct a new agenda.

Libra, of all the signs, is sensitized to the consequences of deciding wrongly. Choice, then, is a duty and responsibility for Libra. It is a higher calling.

Saturn, which is associated with retribution, is exalted in justice's sign. It is not only the verdict, but the meting out of punishment (Capricorn - administrative justice) that forces Libra to weight carefully before deciding. Hence, we understand the complexity and seriousness of a jury's role in a murder trial, for example.

The consequence of choice, any choice, is Libra's core lesson. And it is Libra's deep contribution to the cosmic dialogue. It is not just a matter of "making up the mind." Libra understands that "matters of consequence" effect more than one's "self." In politics, the consequences of chosing effects the whole world. This is what Secretary of State (a perfect Libra job) Colin Powell understands.

Jupiter and Neptune in the Dems' chart is the balance and aesthetics of law (Libra) coupled its theory (Jupiter in Libra) and its wider reaching influence (Neptune) as a cosmic vision -- a sustained hope that justice for all will prevail. It is justice (Libra) for the underdog (Neptune). It is also a raising of the bottom (Jupiter) so that distressed Americans have a chance. It is the difference between believing that we have a duty (Saturn in Libra-USA chart) to expand protection and care to the disadvantaged (Chiron in Cancer) or letting the bottom drop out because the disadvantaged are, in even Ronald Reagan's lexicon, "lazy whiners" (Saturn square Chiron).

How Will Pelosi Play It Out?

Pelosi's Jupiter and the Dems' Saturn in Aries can re-structure the party. The challenge to watch out for is befogging Neptune. Pelosi's and the USA's Neptune are in Virgo (purity of the vision). The USA's 9th house is brought forward. One of the chief criticims of the Right Wing is that the Democrats are weak on foreign policy (9th house); are unpatriotic (for questioning Bush on his suicidal Iraq war plans); and are accused of being whiners -- another word for "victims," a word easily assigned to the planet Neptune.

The Neptune factor is in quincunx to the Dems' Pluto (and possibly Moon) conjunction. They should not allow themselves to be forced by power plays on the right into more self-defeating bickering over the margins of power in Congress. Larger issues are at stake, and it would be nice to see at least a filibuster or two before Bush stocks the USA's judiciary with anti-choice, anti-union, and anti-environment judges.

Note, the Dems' Pluto conjoins the USA's Moon, progressed Sun and T-Uranus! The people are on meltdown. The Neptune factor also quincunxes Pelosi's Saturn in Aries. This is a YOD configuration called The Finger of Fate, and it flows right out of Pelosi's/USA's natal visionary Neptune.

Neptune can be used for revisioning. The fixed Taurean planets in the Dems' chart (combined with Pelosi's natal Saturn at 0 Taurus) is the energy that can make a new vision stick. This is precisely what the Democrats hope Pelosi will do by playing left wing foil to Tom DeLay's Right Wing sabre in the Republican-dominated House of Representatives.

The Democrats are hoping that the two extremes will dramatically illustrate the division between the two parties that gives rise to a well-defined "middle" making the Democrats' identity and agenda crystal clear. In other words, who are the Democrats in the new Millennium? What do they stand for? What makes Democrats Democrats as opposed to Faux Republicans suffering from low self-esteem? this is a dialectic that can work in a two-party system, but will the Democrats go all out?

The midterm elections handed all three branches of government into the control of one party: the Right Wing extremists of the GOP. This is highly dangerous for the United States. Dangerous because of the world climate in which we live. Terrorism breeds insecurity. Insecurity breeds dictatorships. This can be especially risky for the United States, a Cancerian nation with its sensitive Sun in square to paranoid Saturn. When the USA gets frightened, she does things like set up internment camps and increases her spying capabilities to take in her own citizens.

The GOP has been highjacked by Falwellian-Limbaugh styled wingnuts. It is easy to see why it is the GOP and not the Democratic Party. Archaism runs deep throughout the party's soul -- the zeitgeist of the 1950's. As Arnold Toynebee in his "A Study of History" aptly describes, Archaism is the utopian dream of bringing into the present a life and time from the past that is fantacized as being ideal. Something is wrong with "today" so let's back back an old era.

Alexis de Tocqueville ("Democracy in America") said that the danger for democracy is if it allows a loud minority to overtake the majority thus spawning a new tyranny. This the risk America runs now. We'll get the bill for the damages in 2020 and 2022 when Saturn conjoins Pluto in authoritarian Capricorn and at the USA's Pluto Return (27 Capricorn).

But it would not go well for America if the tables were turned, either. If all three branches of government were controlled by the most extreme members of the Democratic Party, we also would be also be threatened with a new Uranian tyranny. How about a New Age Karl Marx crammed down our throats? How about the tree police arresting people for cutting their grass? How about public executions for closet meat eaters? Ugh!

The risk of extremism internally and from one's political foes is still an issue for the Democratic Party. How will Pelosi fare? Her Mars at 25 Taurus conjoins the Democratic Party's Mercury on the most unlucky fixed star, CAPUT ALGOL, which was once associated with beheadings.

You will recall that Al Gore's Venus and Joe Lieberman's Uranus are conjoined to the Dems' CAPUT ALGOL Mercury. It is talk that loses its focus. It is a party and a candidate lacking cohesion. CAPUT ALGOL trines the USA's and Pelosi's Neptune. It is too easy to fragment the message.

Can the Democrats revitalize now that we are long past the heyday of the 1960'sCivil Rights movement? The Virgo Uranus-Pluto conjunction of that era is now under the pressure of the square from Pluto in Sagittarius and Saturn in Gemini. This is a critical testing phase. The old (Saturn) meets the new (Uranus) and the result is a splintered electorate.

Pelosi has staying power with her fixed earth planets matching up with the Democratic Party's Taurus Sun. Her Mercury in Pisces opposite the USA's (and her) Neptune is an assurance that Pelosi places a high value on the ethics in politics combined with compassion. Her good looks and steadying voice (Taurus/Venus) make her popular and charismatic. She's liable to give Bush a run for his money: her Solar Arc Directed Mars is 26 Cancer! It conjoins Bush's 12th house Saturn and opposes the USA's strong-arming Pluto. She just may find a way to slow him down.

Pelosi is powerful. She the first woman to be granted this high a position in the Democratic Party. Come to think of it, she and Democrat Hillary Clinton are quickly becoming the most powerful women in U.S. politics today.

Pelosi's fighting spirit and high spirited vision will serve the Democrats well. They, of course, should not pretend that Pelosi is the one and only solution to the problem. Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats will have cultivate a taste for less tempered "reason" and more blood sport.

November 23, 2002 -- Starcats

Editorial Quotes

"The implications are vast, both at home and abroad, and anyone who ever pretended that the two parties are indistinguishable is about to receive a cruel lesson in political reality. Carried on a wave of post 9/11 patriotic approval, Mr Bush took on his demoralised opponents with total ruthlessness. He out-fundraised, out-spent, out-campaigned and out-worked the Democrats. His reward is a position from which he will launch a fresh round of tax cuts for the rich and welfare cuts for the poor, from which he will dismantle key parts of the federal government in favour of the states and corporations, and, most important of the lot, from which he will now make a raft of conservative judicial appointments, aimed at shifting power in America's courts conclusively to the right for decades to come." Guardian UK

"The Republicans said that public indignation, led by yokel Gov. Jesse Ventura, at Wellstone's "politicized" memorial slowed Mondale's eleventh-hour momentum. Ventura claimed he felt "violated" -- although why a man who wore pink tights and a feather boa in the wrestling ring should suddenly be treated as an arbiter of good taste is a bizarre detail. It would seem that hardy Minnesotans could withstand a little rock music and cheering at a politician's funeral.What happened to Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia was less merciful. He was the target of a merchant of malice named C. Saxby Chambliss, who was chosen by Bush to oppose him. In his TV ads Chambliss charged Cleland, who lost both legs and an arm in Vietnam, with a failure of patriotism -- because he didn't support all provisions of Bush's homeland security bill. Even Lee Atwater, the famous South Carolina political cutthroat employed by the president's father, might have blanched at having a man who never wore the uniform trashing a war hero. Georgians bought it. They rejected Cleland 53 to 46." Wash Post

November 9, 2003, Starcats

National Debt Clock Hit back button on browser to return to Newsmakers

Newsmakers Archive:

January & early February, 2002 Marjan, King of Kabul and Yassar Arafat
January & early February, 2002 Ken Lay & Enron
Late February, 2002, 2-27-02 Full Moon & GAO Sues Cheney
March 1, 2002, Danielle Van Dam
March 2-3, 2002, Escalating Violence in Israel/Palestine
March 3, 2002, Monica Lewinsky's HBO Special
March 5, 2002, Operation Anaconda Updated March 21, 2002
March 9-10, 2002, Bush Wants Nukes!
Update: March 21, 2002 Warlords Undermine Afghanistan!
April 5, 2002 Powell Set for Mideast; Yasser Arafat; Ariel Sharon
April 13, 2002 Powell; Mideast; Yasser Arafat; Ariel Sharon Continued
May 2002 Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bush, Sharon & Colin Powell, Suicide Bombers
June 10, 2002 Jose Padilla, Elizabeth Smart, John Gotti, June 10 Solar Eclipse
June 26, 2002 Martha Stewart
July 4, 2002 USA & Bush's Solar Return
July 15, 2002 Cheney Boiled In Oil: Halliburton Probe
August, 2002, Starcats' gets hatemail Anyone Who Criticizes Bush Gets a Beatin' Behind the Woodshed!
Sept 10, 13, 14 Madeleine Albright, Bush Goes to U.N., 9-11 Anniversary
October 2 It's War Baby! Oh, Behave!
October 14 Terrorist Bombing in Bali, Indonesia
November 9, 2002 The Democratic Party, A first look at death and rebirth

D.C. Sniper Archives

Update: John Muhammad's BC birth data is December 31, 1960, 6:31 AM, CST +6:00, New Orleans, Louisiana. Ascendant is 28 Sagittarius. Per Lois Rodden View Chart.

October 12 The Sniper, Tracking a Serial Killer & Rough Times at White House High
October 22, 2002 Tracking the Sniper Up to Capture
October 24, 2002 Snipers Apprehended! Astro Portrait of John Muhammed
October 25, 2002 John Muhammed & John Lee Malvo

Midterm Elections 2002

November 1-3, 2002 Midterm Elections 2002
Chart Projections, Observations & Analyses
November 2, 2002: Tom Daschle
Impact to Lunar Nodes and win/loss points.
November 2, 2002: Dubya & Daschle
They Don't Like Each Other, So "Get Over It." Gridlock: Nothing gets done for the people.
Not for the faint hearted USA Chart & Progressions, Nov 5, 2002.


Tom Daschle
Tom Daschle & George W. Bush
USA Chart & Progressions, Nov 5, 2002
USA Midterm Election Lunations
JEB Bush & Bill McBride
State of Florida
Paul Wellstone
Walter Mondale
State of Minnesota

Chart Sources:

JEB Bush, George Bush, Fritz Mondale & Tom Daschle courtesy of Lois Rodden

Bill McBride, per Tamara Baker, cites BC.

Paul Wellstone, birth date from his online biography. No time of birth known.

States of Florida and Minnesota per Marc Penfield's "Charts of the USA & Canada," published by AFA, 1996.

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