January & early February, 2002 Ken Lay & Enron Late February 2002, Full Moon|GAO Sues Cheney Starcats' News wireHit back button on browser to return to Starcats Full Moon, February 27, 2002 |
" . . . Plus early tomorrow the Pisces-Virgo sun-moon opposition triggers memories (and new instances) of the troubles unleashed by the Saturn-Pluto opposition in Gemini-Sagittarius. If nothing else, this full moon tests your ability to adjust to a situation you can't control. Government by good-old-boys, corruption, consolidation, power, death and disease, maybe strains of religious fanaticism (we are in Pisces) thrown in for good measure -- the areas to watch out for on this heavy-duty day. . . ." Rockie Horoscope See also, Virgo Full Moon - February 27, 2002 by Stephanie Austin, M.A., Mountain Astrologer. |
CommentaryHow about a mutable grand square? Add the Sun/Moon midpoint (8 Sagittarius) to the above-shown tri-wheel, and we've got the cadent houses of the U.S. Declaration of Independence chart jump-started. The ASC/MC midpoint falls in the USA's 12th house, and since cadent houses are about dissemination, the aformentioned Sun/Moon's Jupiter ruler (house 7) is about exaggerating facts to the “enemy” in covert (12th house) ways. Even scarier than that, MSNBC Cable TV reported on 2/25 that the Pentagon's plan also included a disinformation plan for the United States. One specifically aimed at its Muslim Community (Jupiter: religion and religious law). Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, is associated with Media and dissemination of information from print media to Internet. Its first retrograde cycle for 2002 ended on February 8, but until Mercury reaches 14 degrees Aquarius (2/28) it is still considered to be “in shadow.” Mercury's shadow phase demands a re-examination of events that unfold during a Mercury retrograde phase. It is akin to covering the same real estate twice: we refine, readjust and reorient decisions and our assessment of facts at our disposal. Rumsfeld's revisioning involves a “killing” of the disinformation plan. He announced that he will shut down the OSI (Office of Strategic Information). But had the facts (Mercury) underlying the OSI's mission not been exposed, one wonders what fresh hells the Pentagon would have perpetrated. As mentioned in my Cheney/GAO article below, the USA's progressed Sun now conjoins its natal Moon at 27 Aquarius). Transiting Uranus will conjoin the USA first historic Sun/Moon conjunction twice. 2002 and early 2003 brings two hits to the conjunction point in concert with Uranus' retrograde cycle. Will there be more Danny Pearl incidents abroad? More Enrons and Global Crossings? The USA's progressed Moon in her 6th house (at 6 Gemini) is in the degree of the USA's natal lunar nodes (Aquarius/Leo) lying across her second-eighth house axis. The peoples' money, acquired under the rule of Plutonic capitalism, is “held” by the corporations (401K's) and institutions (I.R.S.) via the 8th house (Cancerian “securities”). The Moon in mundane astrology represents the people, and its progressed 6th house conjunction to Uranus indicates higher unemployment; strikes; airline security issues; police action; and intervention by the National Guard. On July 23, 2002, the progressed Moon will conjoin the USA's Mercury-ruled Uranus (8 Gemini). The exact conjunction for summer 2002 will having a bearing upon the mid-term elections of November 6. The progressed Moon and natal Uranus are in square to the USA's Ceres in the third (homeland security) and Pallas (strategic planning). This may also signal stunning news in connection with the U.S. military and treatment of prisoners at GITMO Bay in Cuba, for Moon with Uranus is rebellion by “peoples” from all walks of life. Because we are looking at the USA's chart, these potentialities affect us directly. The Virgo Full Moon chart itself has 18 Capricorn rising placing the USA's Pluto in its first house. Saturn in square to the Sun foreshadows further developments in the Enron investigation where top officials (Sun) are called to task (Saturn) for corporate malfeasance. However, some attorneys believe that prosecuting the case could take over one year to plan. In fact, rumor has it that prosecution may be next to impossible. If so, this “result” would coincide with my initial gut reaction: they get away with it. But it remains to be seen where the fallout lands. With the GAO/Cheney case underway, we are guaranteed another protracted argument of some duration. However, by the time Saturn reaches 13 degrees Cancer in 2003 (the Saturn return of Nixon's resignation of the White House a la Watergate), the Bush administration may have more on its hands than the war on terror. Note: The Bush Administration's hubris faces a “2003 seeding moment” via the current transit of the asteroid Nemesis. At present, she is at 13 Libra, one degree shy of the USA's natal Saturn in justice-oriented Libra. Transiting Saturn's square to this point in 2003 will be a “revisitation” of this powerful harbinger of the future. Mark your calendars now! The Asc/MC midpoint in the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon chart is 15 Sagittarius painfully impacting the USA's first house: identity. The cultural myths, beliefs and cherished values which define the collective consciousness of the continue to erode. Irrevocable change, Pluto's hallmark signature (don't send me any cards!) is further reflected in the Full Moon's Pluto ruled Midheaven: 11 Scorpio. Since Virgo/Pisces is related to service, purity, and purging, the MC troubles me as, by symbolic direction, it will conjoin the inauguration chart Ascendant (14 Taurus) in about 4 months –- mid-June/early July -- just after the last Saturn-Pluto opposition of May 25, 2002. It will also oppose inauguration Mars at 16 Scorpio in the 7th house of the Inauguration chart. This symbolic direction sets off the Inauguration T-Square: Saturn, Uranus and Mars through July-August, 2002. The bellicose beginnings and secrecy with which the Bush Administration is shrouded must sooner or later explode. Howard Fineman's witticism “The SUV's have circled the White House” (Chris Matthews' “Hardball,” MSNBC Cable TV) won't spare this White House its own encounter with Pluto and Nemesis. But for this, we still have to wait.Full Moon Headline News QuotesWhite House Angered at Plan For Pentagon DisinformationJupiter expands; Neptune prevaricates and obscures, and Mercury transmits the message."West Wing aides "hit the ceiling" when the idea of using the office to plant disinformation with overseas journalists was reported by the New York Times on Tuesday, several officials said. Bush was in Asia on a week-long mission, and one senior official said whoever leaked the story "did a tremendous disservice to the president" by raising questions about the administration's credibility when he was overseas." . . ." Karen Hughes, who is Bush's counselor and oversees all the public words of the administration, called back from Asia to ensure "that there be no change in the administration's strict policy of providing reporters with the facts," an official said." [I'm sure.] Washington Post Pearl kidnap suspect remandedKidnapping: Pluto, 12th house (Neptune). Murder: Pluto (12th house) (Neptune). The Asc/MC at 8 Sag in square to the third house Full Sun draws American journalists and Pakistan into a tense relationship. Rumors of the Musharaff government having postponed disclosure of Pearl's death during Musharaff's visit to Washington, DC, if proven, will rebound against Pakistan. News of the return of self-exiled past Pakistani president, Benazir Bhutto (Moon in the 9th), will create a power challenge to Musharaff. See, Michael Wolfstar's "Newscope" for February 25, 2002."KARACHI, Pakistan (CNN) -- The key suspect in the kidnapping and murder of American reporter Daniel Pearl has been remanded in custody for 14 days to allow prosecutors to gather more evidence. Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, arrested on February 12, made a brief appearance on Monday before an anti-terrorism court in Karachi along with two other men linked to the kidnapping." CNN.comThe press is now officially a victim of the war on terror. Parties Racing To Bag Last Of 'Soft Money'Mars at 28 Aries in the 5th of campaign gambles in square to USA Pluto 27 Capricorn:"As legislation to overhaul campaign finance laws nears final passage, leaders of both parties have launched all-out, last-chance drives to raise millions of dollars in "soft money" donations, which may become illegal by year's end." Washington PostStarcats -- February 26, 2002. |
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CommentarySince the Enron debacle broke, the Bush White House has been under fire for allegedly aligning itself in secret with Ken Lay in connection with Cheney's so-called "energy plan." Friday, the GAO filed its Complaint, David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, General Accounting Office v. Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief. [To read the Complaint in its entirety, see Findlaw.com. Download the PDF file.] A look at the Declaration of Independence chart and its progressions in tri-wheel with Cheney's natal chart tells the tale. First, Cheney's Taurus (big money) MC in the 6th house of daily work (ongoing energy meetings) trines USA natal Pluto (Plutocracy) in the 2nd house of unbridled capitalism. (Keep in mind that Bill Gates has a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in his 2nd house. This is the money game down to the cellular level of primitive survival games). Venus and Saturn are the rulers of Cheney's MC and the USA's Pluto brought together by the USA's natal Venus trine progressed Saturn in houses 7 and 11, respectively. Venus in Cancer is ruled by the USA's natal Moon at 27 Aquarius now in conjunction with the progressed Sun. The third house Aquarian New Moon moment for the USA (the first in her history) is in square to Cheney's Taurus MC; quincunx his natal Chiron (8th house of the Declaration chart); and opposite the USA's natal and progressed Pluto! Cheney's Chiron also conjoins Dubya's natal 12th house Saturn! Add the USA's progressed Neptune at 27 Virgo to the mix. Neptune, associated with Big Oil completes the grand earth trine between the USA's Pluto (and progressed Vertex of "fated events") and Cheney's Taurus MC. What is getting earthed?
GOEBBELS' PRINCIPLES OF PROPAGANDA1. Propagandist must have access to intelligence concerning events and public opinion. 2. Propaganda must be planned and executed by only one authority. a. It must issue all the propaganda directivesb. It must explain propaganda directives to important officials and maintain their morale c. It must oversee other agencies' activities which have propaganda consequences 3. The propaganda consequences of an action must be considered in planning that action. 4. Propaganda must affect the enemy's policy and action. a. By suppressing propagandistically desirable material which can provide the enemy with useful intelligence b. By openly disseminating propaganda whose content or tone causes the enemy to draw the desired conclusions c. By goading the enemy into revealing vital information about himself d. By making no reference to a desired enemy activity when any reference would discredit that activity 5. Declassified, operational information must be available to implement a propaganda campaign 6. To be perceived, propaganda must evoke the interest of an audience and must be transmitted through an attention-getting communications medium. 7. Credibility alone must determine whether propaganda output should be true or false. 8. The purpose, content and effectiveness of enemy propaganda; the strength and effects of an expose; and the nature of current propaganda campaigns determine whether enemy propaganda should be ignored or refuted. 9. Credibility, intelligence, and the possible effects of communicating determine whether propaganda materials should be censored. 10. Material from enemy propaganda may be utilized in operations when it helps diminish that enemy's prestige or lends support to the propagandist's own objective. 11. Black rather than white propaganda may be employed when the latter is less credible or produces undesirable effects. 12. Propaganda may be facilitated by leaders with prestige. 13. Propaganda must be carefully timed. a. The communication must reach the audience ahead of competing propaganda. b. A propaganda campaign must begin at the optimum moment c. A propaganda theme must be repeated, but not beyond some point of diminishing effectiveness 14. Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans. a. They must evoke desired responses which the audience previously possesses b. They must be capable of being easily learned c. They must be utilized again and again, but only in appropriate situations d. They must be boomerang-proof 15. Propaganda to the home front must prevent the raising of false hopes which can be blasted by future events. 16. Propaganda to the home front must create an optimum anxiety level. a. Propaganda must reinforce anxiety concerning the consequences of defeat b. Propaganda must diminish anxiety (other than concerning the consequences of defeat) which is too high and which cannot be reduced by people themselves 17. Propaganda to the home front must diminish the impact of frustration. a. Inevitable frustrations must be anticipated b. Inevitable frustrations must be placed in perspective 18. Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred. 19. Propaganda cannot immediately affect strong counter-tendencies; instead it must offer some form of action or diversion, or both. See, Goebbels I mention Goebbels and the tenants of disinformation techniques in connection with Cheney and the GAO because these are the mechanisms the Bush White House employs. Ari Fleischer's press briefings; claims of executive privilege (which do NOT extend to the Vice President); and recent headline news connecting a concerted effort to send "disinformation" to medias across the world are greatly troubling. One wonders who really is behind the "The Axis of Evil." Starcats, February 24, 2002. |
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