March 10, 2002 Update
Israel Destroys Arafat's Gaza Office After Suicide Bombing Kills 11
"JERUSALEM - Israeli helicopters destroyed Yasser Arafat's seaside office in Gaza City early Sunday, hours after an Islamic militant blew himself up and killed 11 people in a crowded cafe across the street from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Jerusalem residence." Fox News
Sharon stresses negotiations in Cabinet talk
"JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told his Cabinet on Sunday he wanted to pursue cease-fire negotiations with the Palestinians and reiterated he was backing off his earlier demand that there be seven days of calm before any talks begin, a spokesman said."
"Explosives labs found
Meanwhile, Israeli incursions into the West Bank have uncovered three bomb factories, the Israeli army said. The explosives were found in a Bethlehem refugee camp during an ongoing operation that began Saturday. On Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces reported that its troops had found 10 Qassam-2 rockets and an explosives lab at Tulkarem refugee camp in the West Bank.
The Qassam-2, which has been fired periodically at Israeli targets since February, enables militant groups to strike deeper into Israeli territory than ever before, according Israel officials. The discovery of bomb factories was made public in the wake of Palestinian terror attacks that left at least 13 dead and Israeli military strikes that destroyed Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Gaza." CNN
Jerusalem Bombing March 9, 2002
The latest wave of attacks corresponds to T-Mar's square to Israel's Moon. Centered in an upscale cafe (the Moon in Leo signifies the Israeli people who love leisure in public places), ". . .a suicide bomber set off an explosion in a trendy cafe in the heart of Jerusalem killing at least 11 people and wounding more than 50, while a gunman killed two and wounded 35 in Netanya.
The bloody weekend capped a tumultuous week in which more than 100 Israelis and Palestinians, including numerous children, were killed."
Leisure, associated with Leo's natural house (the 5th) has 01 Pisces on the cusp. Transiting Neptune (9 Aquarius) in the 4th house of Isreal's chart indicates sacrifice/loss while at play. Since Israelis typically enjoy coffee and chatting after Sabbath Services, Neptune-Pisces offers the common theme of religion, community, and public enjoyment together. The transiting Moon (2 Aquarius) was just shy of an opposition to Israel's natal Moon. The Moon's transit makes a T-square: Moon opposite Moon where both are in square to transiting Mars at 5 Taurus.
Yesterday's Mercury in conjunction with Uranus in Isreal's 4th house (the land and national pride/heritage) is in orb of square with Israel's natal Sun (23 Taurus) and is in opposition to Israel's natal Mars (28 Leo-Regulus). A royal people (Regulus) defend (Mars) their territory (4th house) from an outside enemy (Sun at 23 Taurus in the 7th house). Mercury in conjunction with Uranus opposite Mars: news of sudden, violent, explosive events.
The closer Mars approaches Israel's North Node (14 Taurus, exact on March 24th), the Bush Administration will be drawn ever more deeply into the Middle East crisis. 14 Taurus is the Ascendant degree for Bush's Inauguration chart. Inauguration Saturn (bonds, obligations) is at 24 Taurus and conjoins Israel's natal Sun! Anthony Zinni is scheduled to return to Israel for renewed peace talks. However, the Mars-Uranus cycle as evidenced by transit in Israel's chart, does not bode well for the USA, Israel or for the Palistinian people. The majority of people on both sides hunger for peace and prosperity. The planetary cycle for the year 2002 in the region has built-in triggers of rage, discontent and loss of faith. It may be that prayer (contrary to my angry assertion of 3-2-02 that organized religion should be abolished. When I'm wrong, I admit it.) is the only answer.
Check out Starcats' view into Yasser Arafat
"Transits and Progressions to Arafat's Horoscope
"It is possible, therefore, that Arafat will die before achieving his life-long goals. If so, he will die a broken man, and his flawed personality will be in large part to blame."
Points of Consideration
Arafat's part of death is at 9 Aries.
His part of fatality is at 9 Taurus.
His part of danger/peril is 5 Scorpio.
His part of catastrophe is 25 Aquarius.
Nemesis is at 17 Libra in his natal chart.
Icarus is at 22 Sagittarius.
His progressed part of death is at 27 Sagittarius.
Arafat's Uranus Meridian line runs through Jerusalem and is crossed by his natal Venus. Venus, now transiting Libra, conjoined his natal Mars (in fall) on October 18; it will oppose his natal Uranus on October 23, 24 hours after Mercury turns direct at 14 Libra. Venus will square his natal Pluto on Halloween (October 31, 2001) and square his natal Venus on November 4, 2001 (three days after the second Saturn-Pluto opposition on November 1, 2001). Mercury's stationary direct motion on October 22 at 14 degrees Libra is in the degree of Arafat's natal Lunar Nodes (14 Taurus/14 Scorpio). His Chiron, at 14 Taurus, indicates high danger to Arafat as it also is in the degree of the Lunar Nodes. Chiron in Taurus, the "wounding" of the Palestinians in connection with ownership of Mideast "real estate" (Venus/Taurus) is also indicative of Arafat's relentless quest for power at the expense of a negotiated settlement."
Yasser Arafat & New Moon March 14, 2002
At the time of the March 9, 2002 attacks in Jerusalem, Israel retaliated by flying F-16 jets over the Gaza strip and demolished Arafat's headquarters. Arafat, wily fox that he is, was in Ramallah at the time being interviewed by Fox News' Geraldo Rivera. Mars, at 5 Taurus, opposes Arafat's arabic part of Danger/Peril (5 Scorpio). However, the next time, Arafat may not be so lucky. On March 14, 2002 (the classic "Ides of March" week), transiting Mars conjoins Arafat's arabic part of death at 9 Taurus. Arafat may not receive all the "help" he allegedly is asking of the United States (and the United Nations). Arafat's natal Pluto at 19 Cancer is quincunx Bush's Inauguration chart Moon (19 Sagittarius). Arafat's natal Moon at 22 Taurus (the degree of the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction of May 2000) conjoins Israel's Sun (linking him to Israel's 7th house: the enemy). Arafat's Moon conjoins Bush's Inauguration chart's first house Saturn retrograde (24 Taurus); opposes Inauguration Mars; and fits tightly into the Inauguration T-Square to Uranus at 19 Aquarius. Arafat is seen as a "problem" rather than as a sympathetic character. Arafat's rough aspects to the Bush Inauguration chart indicates that he is seen as "foe" not friend and takes the blame for escalating violence in the region.
At present, as Israeli forces seem to get ever closer to Arafat, it is worth nothing that Arafat's natal Moon (22 Taurus) is in the degree of the lunar nodes for the upcoming Full Moon on March 14, 2002. His Moon quincunxes the transiting South Node (22 Sagittarius) and he will find no help from the USA once the nodes regress to 19 degrees, the degree of Bush's Inaugural Moon and Uranus.
Patience is wearing thin in the region by virtue of Arafat's rhetoric sans action. His "nobility" as a stateman is all but dashed. Mars' transit through Aries hit Arafat's warring Midheaven (6 Aries) and conjoined his natal Uranus (10 Aries). Mars' subsequent transiting square to his natal Pluto-Venus conjunction in Cancer (19 and 24 degrees respectively) did nothing to help his case with Bush (12th house Saturn 16 Cancer). Pluto at 17 Sagittarius currently makes the sextile to Arafat's natal position of the asteroid, Nemesis (17 Libra). The Sun-Moon conjunction (Full Moon, March 14) falls in his 9th house of foreign relations. Neptune, the full Moon's ruling planet promises more smoke and mirrors as opposed to concerted Saturnian effort. In the end, it may not be Israel at all that deals with the "Arafat problem." Perhaps it will be one of Arafat's own.
Tracking Mars-Uranus/Israel's Hot Spots
- April 4, 2002, T-Mars at 23 Taurus, conjunct Israel's natal Sun; square natal Mars. Exact square, April 11, 2002: 28 Taurus. April 12, 2002, 29 Taurus, conjoined to the fixed star of great grief, Alcyone. [Yasser Arafat's Ascendant/Midheaven Midpoint is 27 Taurus.]
- April 21, 2002, T-Uranus at 28 Aquarius, opposite Israel's natal Mars on the royal fixed star, Regulus. Mars and Uranus in conjunction, square or opposition are the most explosive aspects. [Yassar Arafat's Ascendant/Midheaven Midpoint is 27 Taurus.]
- July 18, 2002, T-Mars in Leo conjunct Israel's Midheaven (3 Leo). Before this date, when Mars makes it to 0 degrees Leo, the event charts for 1999-2000's peace talks vis a vis Bill Clinton will be re-sensitized:
"Bill Clinton wants a peace settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians in the worst way in order to claim a strong presidential legacy. Sorry Bill. Transiting Saturn conjoins Bill's natal Moon in his 8th house of legacies and squares his Leo Sun in his 11th house of "the future." As seen most noteably in Bill's second term of office (Monica Lewinsky/House Judiciary Committee Impeachment), whenever Saturn squares his Sun, he pays a price. Clinton's arabic part of catastrophe (0° Leo) is conjoined by Monica Lewinsky's Sun. 0° Leo is a highly sensitive degree in Bill's chart. Transiting Mars on Eclipse day (12/25) squared Bill's part of catastrophe. Thus, his hopes for peace in the Middle East spiral out of control." Starcats, Isreali Conflict, December 29, 2000.
- July 20, 2002, T-Mars in Leo conjunct Israel's natal Moon (4 Leo.) Escalating violence affects the pride and self-confidence of the Israeli people. (The Moon in mundane charts signifies the people). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is already an ongoing issue.
- August 1, 2002, T-Mars conjunct Israel's natal Pluto (12 Leo). Covet government operations renew attacks on Hamas, Fatah, et al.
- August 27, 2002, T-Mars conjunct Israel's natal Saturn in square to its natal Sun. Mars-Saturn in square to the Sun equates to grinding frustration which can lead to poor decisions.
- August 26, 2002, Israel's "Mars Return". Uranus will be retrograde at 26 Aquarius, applying to its last conjunction with the USA's natal Moon and progressed Sun (27 Aquarius). Whether the Bush Administration likes it or not, the USA's destiny is bound up with Israel's.
March 3, 2002 Update
(08:30) One dead, four wounded in Gaza Strip shooting
By The Jerusalem Post Internet Staff
One Israeli died and four were wounded a short time ago in a shooting attack near the Kissufim Crossing point between Israel and the central Gaza Strip.[This story last updated 17:00]
01 Taurus Ascendant, Mars at 0 Taurus conjunct Ascendant opposite Moon at 7 Scorpio. The Moon is square Israel's natal Moon at 6 Leo.
(07:55) Ten dead, five wounded in shooting attack near Ofra
By The Jerusalem Post Internet Staff
Ten Israelis were killed and six were wounded after a Palestinian sniper opened fire at an IDF roadblock near the Samaria community of Ofra about an hour ago. Three of the dead were civilians.[This story last updated 14:30]
21 Aries Ascendant, Mars at 0 Taurus in the first house opposite. Moon at 6 Scorpio. The Moon is square Israel's natal Moon at 6 Leo.
Israel's Sun/Moon midpoint is 29 Gemini, one degree shy of the Moon for the WTC/Pentagon 9-11-01 attacks. Ascendant/MC midpoint is 16 Virgo squared by transiting Pluto.
News Source: Jerusalem Post
March 2, 2002
"A suicide bombing Saturday evening in central Jerusalem killed at least nine people and wounded dozens of others, authorities said. The terror attack happened in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood as people were returning to the streets at the end of the Jewish Sabbath. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, claimed responsibility for the bombing. " CNN, March 2, 2002. |
Bomb Blast in Jerusalem, 3-2-02
Jerusalem, Israel -- More destruction of lives and property greeted the rising Scorpio Moon rising shortly after Sabbath observances. A suicide bomber attack killed at least nine people and left dozens injured in its wake.
Neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis appear committed to finding their way back to the peace table. Both sides seem hell bent on letting as much blood as possible in the name of Allah or Yahweh. This appears to be yet another proof for my contention that the abolition of organized religion may hold the key to peace everlasting. More torture on the earth plane has been perpetrated in the name of that which cannot be proved than over resources and territory combined. Perhaps my cynical attitude will thaw, melt and resolve itself into a dew anon. Or maybe I just need to read more Shakespeare.
The astrology of today's attack is sobering. The Moon at 29 Libra (if the reported 7:15 pm time is accurate) is just shy of its move into Scorpio and opposes Mars at 0 Taurus. Israel's Ascendant, 0 Scorpio, receives "enemy" Mars on its 7th house cusp. Mars in this fixed sign is relentless. All out war may be inevitable, as Mars' transit through both Taurus and Gemini will spark off the dry twigs of tension in Israel's birth chart. Ariel Sharon's popularity is waning. Bejamin Netanyahu, past PM and member of the Likud party, is champing at the bit for re-election. Sharon's government is reaching a critical point of instablity. These factors, along with unending violence, promises abrupt shifts in power, support and political alliances. The United States will be drawn deeper into the mix the closer transiting Uranus gets to the USA's progressed Sun in conjunction with its natal Moon (27 Aquarius).
Hot Aspects
March 7, Mars at 4 Taurus square Israel's natal Leo Moon.
March 24, Mars at 16 Taurus opposite Bush's Inauguration Mars (16 Scorpio) in square to Isreal's natal Saturn (16 Leo).
April 4, Mars at 23 Taurus conjoined to Israel's natal Sun.
April 9, Mars at 27 Taurus square the USA's progressed Sun conjoined to its natal Moon; Mars square transiting Uranus; Mars square Israel's natal Mars on Regulus (28 Leo).
May 3, Mars in Gemini conjoined to Saturn at 13 Gemini, setting up the last Saturn opposition to Pluto on May 25, 2002.
May 9, Mars opposite Pluto at 17 Sagittarius.
May 19, Mars at 24 Gemini conjunct Israel's natal Uranus.
Mars through Israel's 7th and 8th houses in aspect with its Sun, Saturn, Mars and Uranus cannot help but alert us to the possibility of an official declaration of war either by Israel or a renewed Fatwa from the likes of Arafat and adjunct militant organizations aligned with the Palestinian cause.
If we had hoped for relief from suffering for all Palestinian and Israeli peoples, it does not look as though it will come anytime soon. Prince Abdullah of Egypt's peace plan has yet to be put on the table. It remains to be seen if this "third force" can stem the bloody tide.
March 2, 2002, Starcats.
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