StarcatsNEWSMAKERS ![]() USA Chart Progressed To Midterm Election 2002![]() |
Commentary[Note: Solar Arc Directed chart not shown.] The USA's progressed Sun and Mercury are 28 and 29 Aquarius, respectively. Both are still in orb of conjunction to the natal Moon. However, the distressing pall over the Midterm election is described by the aforementioned planets' square to Solar Arc Saturn at 29 Taurus. Saturn is in conjunction to the fixed star, ALCYONE, which is associated with depression and great grief. In that Solar Arc Saturn is in the USA's 6th house of police and the military, we can see the sadness of recent events reflected in this very stressed of houses. First, the sniper case on the East Coast terrorized Americans for three long weeks. Second, the Iraq Resolution now at the United Nations awaiting its ratification sends shockwaves of anxious war grief throughout the nation. The square I've described is a third house/sixth house matter. The people (Moon) so oftentimes manipulated by the press (3rd house) feel that law and law enforcement are working at cross-purposes. The people don't feel protected because it all seems to be falling through the cracks. So far as terrorim is concerned, we are not very well protected. Saturn at 29 Taurus is also about exhaustion and about being at the end of one's rope. It is about the survivors of September 11th continuing to grieve the loss of what they most valued -- their loved ones (Venus of values, ruler of SA-Saturn in Taurus). Limits and limitations also issue from Saturn's realm, and death is the absolute limit. So does "karma," for indulgences and lapses of the past. Saturn in this position indicates the worker, growing unemployment, the loss of investments in 401(k's) due to Enron type financial scandals (Solar Arc Neptune in Taurus in the 5th house of speculative investments). In about 22 years, the time of the USA's Pluto Return to authoritarian Capricorn, Solar Arc Saturn will conjoin the USA's Mars at 21 Gemini. Gemini, the sign associated with the press, will encounter a stalemate when limiting Saturn tramps on angry Mars. This Solar Arc may hint at total repression and control of the press if the current flirtation with Right Wing cultism continues in American Government. The USA's progressed Moon at 15 Gemini (7th house) opposes T-Pluto in the 1st, trines Saturn in Libra in the 10th, and is still widely square Solar Arc Pluto at 12 Virgo in the 9th house of beliefs, ideologies and foreign policy. The purity (Virgo) of the vision (natal Neptune in Virgo) has been sullied or raped (Solar Arc Pluto and T-Pluto) by scandal, cultish political agendas and globalism. Neptune in Virgo and Solar Arc Pluto may both work to erase, erode and eradiate, but they do so quite differently. Pluto destroys in order to rebirth, reconstruct and rehabilitate at a later time. The butterfly emerges from the cocoon only after the caterpillar has been reduced to liquid inside the cocoon. Neptune erases and refaces by "not-being" or by dissolving its ego self into the cosmic sea. Rape (Pluto) and denial (Neptune) are two sides of the same coin: archtypically we are looking at Virgin birth. Neptune in Virgo is unsullied. Yet Pluto in Virgo is the ultimate earthy, sexual experience. Putting natal Neptune and Solar Arc Pluto in the 9th house of ideology, no wonder the Right Wing reflects the marriage of heaven in hell. No one can find solace in the dark, but lighting the candle of fascism will save no one. Pluto, Mars and Neptune do a crazy dance. Mars and Neptune are associated with virulent diseases such as West Nile Virus. It is also attachment with a vengeance to strange ideas. It is the Dionysian blood lust of a Charles Manson taking LSD and plotting the murder of Sharon Tate. It is Josef Mengele imbued with the master race performing medical experiments (Mars) for the good of the Reich. It is enforced sterilizations in the old South; the testing of chemicals upon Americans in Hawaii and elsewhere during the 1950s. It is all of the blindness (Neptune) justified by war (Mars) and cultish attachment to wacko ideas (9th house). On March 26, 2003, the USA's progressed Moon will reach 21 Gemini and conjoin the her natal Mars which squares natal Neptune. The progressed Moon will also ignite Mars' t-square relationship to the USA's Solar Arc lunar nodes at 21 Virgo/21 Pisces. What I laid out above will be exacerbated by the Moon's progression. T-Pluto will also be in orb of square to the Nodes, N-Neptune and in an opposition to the USA's natal Mars and progressed Moon. (Exact on January 16, 2004). By the year of Bush's hoped-for re-election, the face of America will have radically changed again. Another terrorist attack; war with Iraq; and repressive pushes towards faith-based initiatives will squarely challenge the people at the survival level. Solar Arc Mars at 6 Aquarius is conjoined to the USA's South Node in her second house. T-Neptune is hovering there as well, draining out the peoples' resources in favor of a blind vision of entitlement for the rich. The USA's progressed North Node in the 8th house of death and high finance is 26 Cancer, or conjoined to Bush's stealthy 12th house natal Saturn. Bush's Nodal Saturn opposes the USA's Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Bush secretly convenes with heads of industry to prevent reform. The money stays where it is -- in the hands of the upper one percent of the population. There will be no prescription drug insurance for the elderly and no affordable medical insurance for Americans. The 8th house is related to insurance, bank loans, surgeries, medical care and funeral costs. Bush's limiting Saturn in this senstive chart placement means NO. With the USA's chart so deeply stressed, we can see why the voters are distracted (Neptune) and anxious (Uranus). There are many voter considerations and little time or energy to think about them. Most people scramble to make a living. The luxuries of debating political science and astrology don't mean much when you're that tired. This is the general condition of the electorate under a Republican administration. It was true with Nixon and it was true with Reagan. And so it is with George W. Bush. Those who will show up at the polls are those who have, or believe they have, something to protect or defend. Whether it be a belief, an ideology or what's inside the pocketbook. The voter who believes he or she has the most to gain or lose is the one who shows up on election day. If you wonder why you should bother, take a look at the list below:
November 2, 2002 -- Starcats* Foundation of the Nazi Party: February 24, 1920, 7:29 pm CET -1:00, Munich, Germany, 28N08, 11E34, Asc: 24 Virgo. Neptune at 9 Leo conjunct Bush's natal Mercury. Pluto retrograde at 5 Cancer, conjunct the USA's natal Venus and Jupiter. Uranus' position is 01 Pisces for the foundation of the Nazi Party. Venus was at 01 Aquarius. Mercury at 19 Pisces is square the Sagittarius Moon in Bush's Inauguration chart. The Midheaven at 22 Gemini is square the USA's Neptune of "blinded by the light" in its 9th house of foreign policy and addiction to puritan nonsense. I do not mean to infer that George W. Bush is a Nazi. His grandfather, Prescott Bush, was convicted under the USA's Trading With The Enemy Act for profiting from the Nazis, but that's a different story. Or is it? The resurgence of racism, skinheadism, the KKK, street violence in Germany and France against Jews at the hands of JIHADI's, polarization of politics in the USA, growing paranoia, an economy on the verge of collapse are just a few of the similarities we face in 2002 that allowed a Hitler to create a totalitarian regime. Pluto is related to obsessions and extremes: The USA's Pluto Return in 2022 (in Saturn ruled Capricorn) can either be the restructuring of the USA after devastating Pluto's transit through her first house, or it will be the consolidation of a Saturnine rulership style that will spell the end of Democracy.11/2/02-Starcats