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June 26, 2002
Martha Stewart
"OPINION By Christopher Byron. MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR June 25 — Anyone for an update on the IMclone scandal? For Martha Stewart at least, the situation ain’t great. She’s got problems on both the legal and public image fronts, and they keep getting worse. " MSNBC
"Meanwhile, evidence is mounting that Stewart herself may be but one of many individuals who received suspiciously timed advice to dump their IMclone shares last December. The smart money is betting on two individuals - Stewart’s Merrill Lynch & Co. stockbroker, Peter Bacanovic, and her party-pal chum, Sam Waksal, the ex-head of IMclone - as the likely sources of the information. "
Martha Stewart
![](news/tagsale.jpg) Graphic from Martha Stewart's Web Site
With Martha Stewart's stock and popularity falling, she'd better start tagging her furniture. The new "Queen of Mean" (see, who has been reviled in at least two autobiographies, may soon find herself listed as a K-Mart "Blue Light Special."
Her $290M empire, built on towels, sheets and 1950's dreams of blissful housewifery may find 2002's Dragon-in-June Cleaver-clothes doing a spell in the Federal Pen. She would be an ideal candidate for the arts and crafts prison rehabilitation program. However, before Martha trades in her button-down blouses for prison orange, we might want to consider the current culture. I haven't heard of one CEO yet who is behind bars as a result of rampant corporate fraud.
"Federal prosecutors have widened their probe of the home decorating diva to include possible obstruction of justice and making false statements related to the sale of IMclone Systems Inc., a person close to the matter told the Wall Street Journal. Stewart is under investigation by federal prosecutors about whether she had inside information when she sold nearly 4,000 shares of IMclone a day before the drugmaker's experimental cancer treatment was rejected.
Shares of Martha Stewart were down $2.80, or 20 percent, at $10.94 in morning trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Earlier the stock hit $10.05, a new historic low." June 26, 2002, Reuters.
Stewart has a fitful, fateful YOD formed by her natal Sagittarius Moon in quincunx to Mercury in Cancer and to her Saturn/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in house 7. As you may recall from my Watergate investigations into Richard M. Nixon's chart, transits and progressions to Nixon's natal YOD eventually resulted in his undoing.¹
Martha's 2nd house Sagittarius Moon is "peregrine" (no essential dignity) on Ptolemy's Dignities Table. It is also conjunct the Arabic Part of "Treachery" and the fixed star, Aculeus:
"History of the star: In the stinger of the Scorpion. A companion cluster to Acumen.
The Akkadians called Scorpio, Girtab, the "Seizer", or "Stinger", and the Place where One Bows Down, titles indicative of the creature's dangerous character; and referring to the striking curve of stars which lies in a dark portion of the Milky Way that forms the tail of the Scorpion, terminating in the poisonous upturned stinger, as if ready for an attack. (Allen).
Influence of the constellation: The Scorpion is associated with the Hebrew letter Oin and the 16th Tarot Trump "The Lightning-Struck Tower". (Robson).
General influence of the star: It effects the eyesight and causes blindness of one or both eyes if in conjunction with an afflicted luminary, or in conjunction with a malefic that afflicts the luminaries. The opposition seems to be equally effective. (Robson)."
Updating ancient astrology's more literal interpretion of Aculeus, blindness may indicate what Martha cannot see about her own character and that "birds of a feather" come home to roost at IMclone headquarters. The question "What did Martha know and when did she know it" becomes as relevant today as it was for Richard M. Nixon in 1973. Nixon also profited on the sly through the illegal garnering of funds -- some of which were funneled in by the super rich paranoid, Howard Hughes.
Martha's Moon, ruled by Jupiter in its detriment in 8th house Gemini speaks of dualities. Which way will Martha go? What will Martha's modus operandi be in relation to 8th house "big money/big power?" Jupiter receives a -10 score on Ptolemy's Dignities Table (pretty dire) and also lies in opposition to her Arabic Part of "Private Enemies." Her part of "Private Enemies," then, is 14 Sagittarius. Pluto's retrograde cycle will conjoin that point in late August 2002. Stewart, who has a long history of mistreating her employees, as well as players high up on the financial food-chain, has spent a lifetime making enemies. Stewart's 6th house Aries Mars (the house associated with one's employees) shows a penchant for workaholism and heavy-handedness with subordinates. She runs her day-to-day operations like General Patton marching through Sicily. Patton was nicknamed "Old Blood and Guts." Martha's employees, one of whom she tried running down in a truck, may see her just that way. Stewart's Mars is not mitigated by any "softer" help from gentler planets. Mars sextiles her Jupiter in fall in Gemini and trines her bold Leo Sun. It is in wide opposition to Neptune in Virgo. Her expectations that others will perform "perfectly" is a projection outward of her own self-impatience.
Stewart's natal Sun is opposed by Neptune in Aquarius in her third house of "truth speaking." Neptune is, and will be, caught up with Stewart's cellphone records and other documentation that may be subpoenaed by the courts. The third house "paper trail," ruled by Saturn (Capricorn on her third house cusp), is caught up by transit in a Yod "boomerang," an aspect configuration I can't seem to make enough of in recent Starcats articles.
Her Part of Fortune at 24 Pisces is in her 5th house of "stock market risks." It opposes her Arabic Part of Imprisonment (24 Virgo). The part of imprisonment in the 11th house a) is conjoined to 11th house Neptune of fraudulent schemes; b) implicates her in Neptunian 11th house scandals connected with "others"; and c) is conjoined to her Virgo North Node ruled by natal Mercury in her 9th house of lawsuits.
Mercury, a part of Stewart's YOD, is conjoined to the fixed star, Procyon:
"With Mercury: Occult interest, minor position of management under Government, trouble and scandal through opposite sex, favorable for health and gain. (Robson).
General influence of the star: According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mercury and Mars; to Simmonite, of Venus and Mars, which is probably a misprint; and, to Alvidas, of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. It gives activity, violence, sudden and violent malevolence, sudden preferment by exertion, elevation ending in disaster, danger of dog bites and hydrophobia, and makes its natives petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent. Two cases are on record of death or injury by dog bite in which Procyon and Sirius are involved. (Robson).
Procyon is a very fortunate star; known to the Mesopotamians as 'The Star of the Crossing of the Water - Dog', as it lies near their River of Heaven, the Milky Way. Procyon foretold wealth and renown, and in all astrology has been much regarded, giving 'Everlasting of the Right, and Good Effect'. Procyon has a Mars-Mercury nature and therefore makes people hasty, jealous, pig-headed. But it also confers will-power and ability to put thoughts and plans into action. According to tradition there is also a tendency to a hot temper and impudence. Rise and success are found with it, but fall from high position later, is indicated. Enterprises created in haste therefore do not last. People who "want to go through the wall with their head" only cause injury to themselves. Procyon gives drive and a good sharp mind. Linked with positive stellar bodies, success is made greater, but the native, in order to avoid a fiasco, has always to take care not to be imprudent. Especially dangerous is Procyon configured with Mars and Pluto. With the Sun, a valiant demeanor is indicated. (Ebertin). "
Procyon speaks of rise and success but a fall from high position later. By way of example, note that O.J. Simpson has natal Mercury on Procyon. Richard M. Nixon's natal Neptune of scandals and fraudulent schemes is conjoined to Procyon. As noted in my Watergate investigations, Nixon's natal YOD contained a "boomerang" where his natal Pluto at 28 Gemini opposed Mars, the release point of his YOD. When T-Saturn reached the conjunction with Nixon's natal Pluto in July, 1973, the YOD and its "boomerang" were kicked off. Our current T-Saturn will reach 25 Gemini, or the "boomerang" point inside Martha's YOD on July 28, 2002. At that time, Saturn will also square Martha's 11th house Neptune (25 Virgo), her natal Moon and progressed Ascendant. This time frame represents "critical mass" for Martha, as Mercury in her 9th house of lawsuits is also a part of her natal YOD. It begins to look as though Stewart is running out of free time to crochet doilies for her East Hampton, New York home.
Let's have a look at Stewart's Saturn-Uranus conjunction, both of which are part of her natal YOD. The two are in house 7 in the sign Taurus. Uranus is in its fall in the sign Taurus. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is relatively happy in another earth sign, but not in conjunction with Chaotic Uranus. Martha's Virgo Venus (in fall) lends no help to this conjunction and testifies to a rather pragmatic, dry, "take" on intimate relationships. Her marriage fell apart when her husband walked out on her. Again, her Sagittarius Moon in quincunx to her "marriage house" planets, ruled by Jupiter in detriment, did not bode a happy first marriage for the domestic diva. Uranus at 29 Taurus is conjoined to the fixed star, Alcyone:
"Influence of Alcyone: It causes love, eminence, blindness from fevers, small pox, and accidents to the face. (Robson).
Ambition and endeavor, which gives preferment, honor and glory. Not a good omen with regard to relationships to the opposite sex. (Ebertin).
Desire to be well dressed and even misuse beauty aids, such as an excessive amount of perfume. Likely to drink too much. Success in trade conducted upon the seas. (Noonan).
Bereavement, mourning, sorrows and tragedies. (Eric Morse).
The misuse of beauty aids reminds me more of Katherine Harris than Martha Stewart.
Small pox has been eradicated (supposedly) from the face of the earth, barring any terrorist plot to introduce it into a largely populated area. Updating Alcyone from its more literal interpretations used by ancient astrologers, Uranus' conjunction to Alcyone does testify to the painful end of her marriage and perhaps to her insider trading relationship with Mr. IMclone and her stockbroker. Both are males and it would appear from Alcyone, that Stewart's bad luck with men stems from her natal Neptune in trine to Saturn-Uranus. Remember that her Neptune is ruled by Mercury on Procyon. Stewart either has little ability to "see" where these relationships may take her, or she is deluded into thinking that no harm can come of it.
An example, of Alcyone: this fixed star was on the Ascendant for the morning the U.S. Senate filed into its Chambers and signed off on the Petition to begin impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton. Clinton's relationship with Lewinsky was one of blindness on the part of both which resulted in "great grief."
Stewart's progressed Midheaven at 18 Libra is conjoined to the arabic parts of "danger and peril" and "profession." Clearly it is profession and reputation that are now imperiled for the Decorator Dominatrix. The transiting lunar Nodes hit 27 Gemini/Sagittarius on December 26-27, the day she cashed in her IMclone stock via alleged insider trading. As fated points, the Lunar Nodes, were in the same degree as Stewart's Saturn-Uranus, all of which keyed directly into her natal Yod. The Christmas lunar nodes resonated with Stewart's chaotic Uranus on the unluckiest of Stars, Alcyone, presaging the loss of reputation, money and possible lawsuits Stewart now faces. Mars at 18 Aries retrograde in her progressed chart shows conflagrations that upset her private life. Her Sun/Moon midpoint is also 18 Libra, made more uncomfortable by Mars' square to the aforementioned points from the sign of Cancer, exact on June 24, 2002, the day of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse. Stewart's progressed Jupiter is conjoined to the USA's Mars in Gemini associated with not only transportation issues, but clear and concise documentation. Mercury in Gemini will conjoin this degree on June 30-July 1, thus "asking" that voice be given to a great number of issues. As I never tire of mentioning, Neptune's transit through the USA's second house of "money," brings Stewart, Enron, WorldCom, et al. to the forefront of financial scandal. It is hard to believe, but we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
¹ However, having a YOD configuration in one's chart is not a universal indicator of personal ruin. To view it as such misses the mark. Planets and the aspects they make in natal charts reveal certain potentialities. The potential inherent in any chart is made manifest by the choices one makes. Integrity and vision are what separates the Oprah Winfreys from the Martha Stewarts.
Martha Stewart, Natal & Progressed
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