For April 2002

Newsmakers Archive:

January & early February, 2002 Marjan, King of Kabul and Yassar Arafat
January & early February, 2002 Ken Lay & Enron
Late February, 2002, 2-27-02 Full Moon & GAO Sues Cheney
March 1, 2002, Danielle Van Dam
March 2-3, 2002, Escalating Violence in Israel/Palestine
March 3, 2002, Monica Lewinsky's HBO Special
March 5, 2002, Operation Anaconda Updated March 21, 2002
March 9-10, 2002, Bush Wants Nukes!
Update: March 21, 2002 Warlords Undermine Afghanistan!

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Middle East Resources

The George Tenet Plan
The George Mitchell Plan
Palestinian Liberation Organization Official Documents
Amnesty International
Israel Time Line courtesy of Nation of Israel's official Web site. Excellent history outline.
King Abdullah II's official site
Saudi Arabia

Israel, The Conflict by Starcats
Yasser Arafat by Starcats

Middle East Charts

Saudi Arabia

Also, See The War Room for Opec Nations' charts, and visit Couteau's Transcendental Astrology for world charts and expert commentary.

Rick Levine's top new article! Check out StarIQ

New Honorary Starcat

Queso, of Waco, Texas

Read Queso's story at Justice for Queso.

April 5, 2002

Powell Says He'll Fly to Mideast

CNN updates, April 4, 2002:

• Bush calls for end to terror attacks, West Bank military action

• U.N. Security Council votes 15-0 to demand Israeli pullout from Palestinian towns "without delay"

• Arafat: "Committed to peace," but stops short of denouncing terrorism

• Israel: Will comply, "once we achieve what we set out to achieve"

• U.S. envoy to meet with Arafat Friday; Powell to travel to region next week

Colin Powell (April 5, 1937, New York City, no birth time known) is packing his Pluto at 26 Cancer¹ and is hauling it to the region in time for the Mars square Uranus/Moon sextile Mars of April 10, 2002. Powell's Solar Return (birthday) is Friday of this week, and without a birth time it is impossible to know how Powell's Asc/Midheaven are impacted, but a look at his Solar Return transits tell the tale.

First, April 5th Moon will reach 24 Capricorn and trine T-Mars. (Mars has just conjoined Israel's natal sun, setting off a lethal T-square). The Moon conjoins Powell's Jupiter; opposes his natal Pluto; and is in a tight T-square with his natal Mercury at 27 Aries. Talk of war and expansion of war are inevitable. It seems unlikely that Powell's visit will quell the violence in the region.

Powell's natal North Node at 17 Sagittarius is conjoined by T-Pluto retrograde. This same conjunction falls squarely on Ariel Sharon's natal Saturn at 18 Sagittarius. Sharon's Saturn "resonates" with May 25, 2002's final Saturn-Pluto opposition, the harshest and most relentless of aspects -- unless, of course, we're talking about a Saturn-Pluto or Mars-Saturn-Pluto square.

Within a day (April 5-6, 2002), T-Mars will conjoin Sharon's Moon at 25 Taurus (one degree shy of the malevolent fix star, Caput Algol). Since Caput Algol is associated with the beheading of kings; the "fall" of heads of state, will the Mars-Uranus square of April 10 signify diminution of status for Sharon, Arafat or Powell? Or will it signal something more sinister, such as an assassination?

Powell's Pluto conjoins Arafat's natal Pluto and Venus in Arafat's first house. It is also in a wide orb quincunx to Arafat's Saturn at 23 Sagittarius. Powell has the discipline to relentlessly pursue a goal while maintaining grace (natal Saturn 27 Pisces, trine natal Pluto at 26 Cancer). However, Powell's Saturn squares Arafat's Saturn. Arafat is probably a piece of work when it comes to clear engagement in meaningful dialogue. In traditional sign rulership, Powell's Saturn in Pisces and Arafat's Saturn in Sagittarius are both ruled by "benevolent Jupiter." However, Arafat's natal Jupiter at 13 Gemini squares Powell's Neptune at 16 Virgo. The two planets will be conjoined by Saturn (Arafat's Jupiter) and squared by it (Powell's Neptune). Quick tie-ins here alert me to the possibility that religious zeal -- Saturn believes it is "God" in the sign of Sagittarius, leading to a crisis in faith for having failed in the role of "diety" -- under the guise of violent suicide bombings will overtake hopes of renewed peace talks. I think Arafat's time may be short in Ramallah or on the planet itself.

¹ Powell's Pluto is conjoined to Bush's 12th house Saturn and opposite the USA's natal Pluto.

In Afghanistan, They Call Him "The Great Evil"

Plot to overthrow Interim Govt and Kill Karzai! CNN, April 4, 2002: KABUL, Afghanistan --Hundreds of people linked to a hard-line Islamic group have been arrested in the Afghanistan capital of Kabul on charges of plotting to overthrow the country's fledging interim government. In what could be the most serious threat to Prime Minister Hamid Karzai's leadership so far, Afghan security officials arrested 350 supporters of renegade warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and seized explosives, bombs and weapons.

The men are suspected of plotting terror attacks against the former Afghan king, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul, as well as U.S. targets across Afghanistan. Hekmatyar, who has spent five years in exile, is an ethnic Pashtun and the leader of Hizb-e-Islami, or the Islamic Party. He fled to Iran after the Taliban took the capital in 1996, but left Iran in February after authorities there threatened to expel him. Hekmatyar is believed to be in Afghanistan's countryside, although authorities are not sure exactly where. Many in Afghanistan hold him responsible for devastating rounds of shelling that rocked the Afghan capital between 1993 and 1994.

Starcats, March 21, 2002: Operation Anaconda

"As predicted, tribal factionalism precludes a grasping of the concept "E Pluribus Unum." Personal power grabs by Mujahadeen War Lords overshadows the desire for the common good. Karzai should be very careful. Transiting Neptune is still in orb of squaring his natal lunar nodes (9 Scorpio/9 Taurus). On March 13, 2002 (the Ides of March) transiting Mars will conjoin his South Node and square transiting Neptune. This is a strong "sacrifice" signature, and since Karzai's own father was assassinated in Kandahar (1999) after leaving a Mosque, Karzai should take great care. Transiting Pluto is conjoined to Karzai's natal Saturn in Sagittarius: a harshness of life conditions that precipitates a crisis in faith. The Aries Ingress Sun will conjoin the Interim Govt.'s 7th cusp (renewed violence/foreign enemies) and square Karzai's Capricorn Sun and the Interim Govt.'s Sun. Karzai's Chiron, at 14 Aquarius, resonates with the sensitive 14 degree benchmark for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the USA. It conjoins the USA's Constitution Pluto, opposed by Karzai's Uranus at 11 Leo. A free thinker, Karzai is known as a moderate, a feminist, and a champion of human rights. He foresees the first democratic elections in Afghanistan for the year 2004. (Interesting that this corresponds to a Bush's re-election campaign year!)"

You heard it first at Starcats!

April 5, 2002

March 31, 2002

Sharon Declares War

JERUSALEM CNN -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared Sunday his nation was at war with terrorism, following two suicide bombings earlier in the day that killed at least 14 people, as Israeli forces forged ahead with military operations in the Palestinian West Bank.

"Citizens of Israel, the state of Israel is in a war, a war against terrorism," Sharon said in a nationally televised address. "It's a war that has been imposed upon us. It's not one that we have chosen to undertake. It is a war for our home."


Suicide Bombing, Haifa, Israel

As Mars moves ever closer to its conjunction with Israel's Sun (and Arafat and Sharon's natal Moons), we are witnessing the escalation of unparalleled violence in the region. Today's Scorpio Moon, in orb of opposition to the aforementioned points, is the trigger point/timer of a fixed grand square:

  • Moon opposite T-Mars and Israel's Sun

  • Moon applying to square with Israel's Mars in house 10.

  • Moon applying to square with Uranus in Israel's 4th house.

  • This same grand square affects the USA's natal chart.

Note: The USA's progressed Sun is conjoined to its natal Moon at 27 Aquarius. T-Uranus is conjoined thereto. America's fate is joined to Israel's.

If for any reason, whether by accident or intention, Arafat should die, his "martyrdom" would serve as the unifying force for all terrorist organizations within the region and throughout the world. Even dissenters among various organizations opposed to Arafat would cast their lot and forge a greater unity. This would double, even triple their power an unleash retributive wave of terrorism across the planet.

Hope, if any, rests upon Arafat's survival. Even if you abhor him, it would be wise to pray for safety. If Arafat were to die not by bullet but as a result of a stress induced heart attack for example, Al Aqsa, Hezbollah, et al., would point to Israel and the United States blaming both as the proximate cause of his death. You may recall that Arafat stated: "I would rather be martyred." It should be clear why Arafat would want that. He is keenly aware of the powerful revenge mechanism inherit in an Arafat death scenario. Setting aside the horror of death currently visited upon innocents living on both sides, this cat and mouse game between Sharon and Arafat is too dangerous for the world community to support. I have grave doubts that the Arab Peace Summit held in Beirut was more of a "cya" than any real attempt at averting a war. Should Arafat die, the Arab world can say, "We tried. We warned you (USA/Sharon)." Then they can play their trump card: Arab nations united against Israel - and a move to wipe her and her people off the map.

The Heliocentric Point of View, Courtesy of Rob Hand

[Note: this post was kindly forwarded to Anima Mundi, my astrology list hosted by Yahoo Groups. Thanks to Rob Hand as well for stellar astrological work.]

Arch Crawford of Crawford Perspectives has issued a warning of a particularly difficult set of heliocentric configurations this weekend. He is of the opinion that these may cause a significant market decline.

Being interested in heliocentric astrology and a fan of Arch's I decided to take a look for myself, and he is right about the configurations. When heliocentric patterns among the planets become dominated by squares and hard aspects in general, I have found that mass behavior becomes erratic, and anywhere where there are violent energies among the people, they tend to surface.

As many people may be aware, the late John Nelson of RCA found that these patterns tended to occur when there were solar flares and geomagnetic disturbances. My own work in history correlating geomagnetic fluctuations with mass violence has confirmed that every major peak of revolutionary activity in the western world has occurred at a peak of such geomagnetic activity. We are close to one now.

Also since the founding of Israel, all of the major geomagnetic activity peaks have coincided with major disturbances between the Arabs and the Israelis. All of the preceding seems to indicate that this weekend is going to see a major peak in Mideast violence.

On the afternoon of March 31 at 2:00 PM EST we have the following positions heliocentrically.

Mercury 15 Pi 53
Venus 25 Ta 31
Earth 10 Li 53
Mars 15 Ge 59
Jupiter 18 Cn 07
Saturn 15 Ge 53
Uranus 25 Aq 20
Neptune 8 Aq 51
Pluto 15 Sg 51

Note that the Saturn-Pluto opposition is within 2' and and Mars is conjunct Saturn with Mercury squaring. Also Venus is square Uranus and the Earth makes sesquiquadrates (135 deg) to both Venus and Uranus. This is a classic Nelson pattern.

The Palestinian-Israeli escalation could not come at a worse time. Unless someone really tries to cool off the hotheads on both sides (not a very rewarding task to attempt) the situation of the last few days will get much worse before Monday.

The mechanism of this is unclear, how the planets can affect geo- and interplanetary magnetism, but I believe that they do, and when they do, people become disoriented (literally) and irrascible. We are looking forward to a particularly bad patch of this kind of energy over the weekend.

I do hope that this forecast is wrong!

Rob Hand

Hand's Heliocentric Chart Reference

Starcats, March 31, 2002

March 29, 2002

Arafat tells Al Jazeera: "Israel wants me dead, or a prisoner, or to expel me."

" RAMALLAH, West Bank, March 29 - Backed by tanks and armored personnel carriers, Israeli soldiers knocked down the walls of Yasser Arafat's West Bank compound here today and moved room by room through parts of the two-building office complex where he lives and works. It was the most direct threat against the Palestinian leader in the 18 months since the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict began. " See charts for Ariel Sharon, Israel & Yasser Arafat

"Arafat, 72, was reported by aides to be holed up in a windowless chamber late tonight, a machine pistol at his side, pledging to fight to the finish as Israeli troops advanced methodically through one of the buildings against spotty resistance from security guards. The shooting died out as the night wore on, and the embattled Palestinian leader, in his traditional checkered headdress, gave television interviews from his redoubt, which the Israeli troops approached but had not entered." Washington Post, March 29, 2002


Your two-column html table below outlines the upcoming Mars hits for Arafat, Sharon and Israel up to and through the second week of April, 2002. There can be no doubt when studying the Mars 2002 cycle (and its impact upon the players) that peace is simply not an option. Wait until I give you the stats on Mars through Gemini. And Cancer. And then Leo. And then Virgo. . . .

It would appear that the Israeli-Palistinian issue has no solution. What if we are faced with just that: a world made powerless over Israel and Arafat. If we are ready to embrace the biblical prophecy known as "Revelation," it begins to look like "Anti-Christ" time. While I don't set much store in it myself, it is fascinating to contemplate the Mideast crisis in light of the recent sex scandal in the Catholic Church. Both the Middle East and Rome are coming apart at the seams. Apparently, in prophecy, Israel and the Church run apace, a scenario that leads to Armeggedon..

Pluto's transit though Sagittarius has been aptly deemed "the marriage of heaven and hell." The world is obsessed (Pluto) with its private truth (Jupiter/Sag). It doesn't matter whether we're viewing it through the lens of a nation-state, the Church, or through the rapacious longings of the bully that lives in the White House. Politicians, heads of state and the clergy don't know how to staunch the flow of 2,000 years of sewage breaking through the septic tank. It is The Age of Pisces squared by Saturn and Pluto.

As Liz Greene says, the entire world cannot go into psychotherapy.

This is global psychosis, folks.

I hope the fates are planning an intervention.

Heads Up - Here Are the Upcoming Transits.

March 29, 2002: T-Moon at 28 Libra conjoined Arafat's Part of Fortune in his 4th house. Venus, the planet ruler of his POF, is conjoined to covert, manipulative Pluto in his first house in the sign Cancer. Arafat is trapped (Pluto) in his own home (Cancer).

March 30, 2002: T-Moon enters Scorpio and will conjoin Arafat's South Node at 14 Scorpio over Easter weekend. Arafat's Lunar Nodes (14 Taurus/North & 14 Scorpio South) are conjoined to Israel's natal Lunar Nodes. Arafat's natal Moon is conjoined to Israel's natal Sun. Mars reached 14 Taurus on March 22, 2002, two days after the Aries Ingress.

March 30, 2002: T-Sun reaches 10 Aries and conjoins Arafat's natal Uranus in his 10th house.

April 2, 2002: T-Mars conjoins Arafat's natal Moon at 22 Taurus. His Moon is conjoined to Israel's natal Sun.

April 9, 2002: Arafat's Asc/MC midpoint is 27 Taurus, which will be conjoined by T-Mars in square to T-Uranus. At this time, T-Sun at 19 Aries will be in square to Arafat's natal Pluto at 19 Cancer.

The week of April 7-13, 2002 will be one of explosive horror for Israel, Sharon and Arafat.

Check out Israeli Conflict and Yasser Arafat for more background.

April 7, 2002: T-Mars at 25 Taurus conjoins Sharon's natal Moon. One day later, T-Mars is within orb of its exact square with Uranus and conjoins the most malevolent of fix stars in the heavens: Caput Algol. T-Mars will square Sharon's natal Neptune at 27 Leo. Sharon's Taurus Moon in square to Neptune is most likely the aspect Palestinians identify with when they call Sharon "Hitler." Hitler's natal Vertex was 27 Taurus, a fated point in the Nazi dictator's chart. 25 to 27 degrees of the fixed signs are especially powerful in Sharon's chart. Hence, the Palestinian people "resonate" with the comparison.

Sharon's progressed Sun is 20 Taurus and is conjoined by T-Mars today.

April 4, 2002: Israel's natal Sun at 23 Taurus takes the hit from T-Mars. T-Mars will square Uranus on 4/9/2002 and square Israel's natal Mars. This is a lethal T-Square comprised of Israel's Sun, Sharon's Moon and T-Mars in square to T-Uranus and Israel's natal Mars.

The week of April 7-13, 2002 will be one of explosive horror for Israel, Sharon and Arafat.

At present, T-Pluto is conjoined to Sharon's natal Saturn in Sagittarius. (Arafat's Saturn is at 23 Sagittarius). Both believe they are the mouthpieces of God.

Starcats, March 29, 2002

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