For August, 2002

Newsmakers Archive:

January & early February, 2002 Marjan, King of Kabul and Yassar Arafat
January & early February, 2002 Ken Lay & Enron
Late February, 2002, 2-27-02 Full Moon & GAO Sues Cheney
March 1, 2002, Danielle Van Dam
March 2-3, 2002, Escalating Violence in Israel/Palestine
March 3, 2002, Monica Lewinsky's HBO Special
March 5, 2002, Operation Anaconda Updated March 21, 2002
March 9-10, 2002, Bush Wants Nukes!
Update: March 21, 2002 Warlords Undermine Afghanistan!
April 5, 2002 Powell Set for Mideast; Yasser Arafat; Ariel Sharon
April 13, 2002 Powell; Mideast; Yasser Arafat; Ariel Sharon Continued
May 2002 Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bush, Sharon & Colin Powell, Suicide Bombers
June 10, 2002 Jose Padilla, Elizabeth Smart, John Gotti, June 10 Solar Eclipse
June 26, 2002 Martha Stewart
July 4, 2002 USA & Bush's Solar Return
July 15, 2002 Cheney Boiled In Oil: Halliburton Probe

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August 6, 2002

Anyone Who Criticizes Bush Gets
a Beatin' Behind the Woodshed!

I mean, Screw the First Amendment! Know What I Mean?

The Greeks Called It "Ostraca" -- Being Ostracized!

You know you're really getting to the right wing trailer trash when the hate mail starts up again. Here's a sample of what's in Starcats' hate mail bag for August 6, 2002!

This is what happens when you don't shout ZIEG HIEL!

Hate Mail Bag

August 6, 2002

Ann writes:

just happen to find our[sic] site again....gotta tell about Bush guys were all over him before he won and now you still continue to do spite of your feelings, the cosmos and God are looking out for this country by having him as our President...get over it. I suppose you all would be happier with someone who only thinks of getting serviced, attacking woman, lying and is a traitor in the Whitehouse along with his whore wife....disgusting already and I really wish people like you would leave the country and if they cannot tolerate it.

Starcats replies:

Dear Ann,

Not that you aren't still "all over Bill and Hillary Clinton." I think this is called "cognitive dissonance," or, "the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing." Jung calls it enantiadromia: we become that which we hate when we don't face up to our own unconscious contents.

Your last sentence, which lacks appropriate punctuation and is of the "run-on" variety, is hard to understand. What I think you are suggesting is that if I don't like Bush and have the effrontery to criticize him, I should leave the country of my birth: the United States of America.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to recall a First Amendment clause in the U.S. Constitution which guarantees me the right to freely exercise my conscience.

That same First Amendment also grants you the right to avoid if you do not like the content. Why don't you bugger off then?

In closing, I'd like to thank you for your animus-possessed critique of my work. I sure "got to you," didn't I? BTW, since your first name is "Ann," are you sure you aren't really Ann Coulter?

Best wishes,
Claudia Dikinis

Ann replies:

quite frankly most of your reply was a bit out there for my tastes, ..and I must apologize for typos and head is often ahead of my hands --- however, I SINCERELY THANK YOU for even suggesting/comparing that I might be Ann Coulter....I could not have been compared to a finer more admired person!!! Shows as no one has in a long time that sexy and brains and strong committment are not mutually exclusive which today's and past alleged feminist so often got so wrong... I have been around and astrology and astrologers for over 30 years....and for most of those years it has been my observation that many have missed the entire program.....astrology is a wonderful gift given to us by the Creator for our own self awareness and a tool to be and become the best we can personally be.....these wayward attempts into politics and the attendant opinions are not the correct use of the art...they are merely indicators of ego. PS: It is really not the terrorists that worry me - its the liberal masses who try to corrupt the foundations of our country from within.

Starcats replies:

Dear Ann,

I'm very glad that you are pleased that I might suggest you were Ann Coulter.

I refer you to page 181 of David Brock's "Blinded by the Right." He states that Coulter "lives on nothing but chardonnay and cigarettes." That establishes her as a nicotine addict and an alcoholic. Also, according to the "NY Observer," Coulter was at one time dating Bob Guccione, scion of a fortune made in publishing pornography during the time he was fending off a sexual harassment lawsuit. You stated that in your first letter to me that Hillary Clinton was a whore. Sen. Clinton does not smoke, drink nor date pornography scions.

Before you strike out and call Brock a traitor or a liar, please note that no one Brock mentioned in his book has filed a libel suit against him. That means his claims cannot be refuted.

You might want to give some thought to who you really want to emulate. BTW, mundane or political astrology is the oldest application of the celestial art. This was practiced centuries before the advent of personal astrology and predates by nearly two millennia the phenomenon of "esoteric" or spiritual astrology. St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine practiced it on the sly for the Pope.

Are you really this ignorant of history, or did you have to work at it?

Claudia D. Dikinis

Ann's Last Reply:

you got to be kidding.....the fact that she lives on nothing for chardonnay and cigs endears her to me even more......truly one of my own ...I only wish I could spend and evening or two or more with her smoking and drinking our brains out...........makes her even more of a person........and I am getting a little bored with this all but:

1. Hillary is a whore of the worst kind, she and the pig she is married to have sold their souls to the devil for power and money - they care about nothing but themselves and their power; and quite frankly PIAPS (thats means "pig in a pants suit" in case you missed this little number on the web recently) she couldn't get a real date with ANYONE - the devil will come one day to collect, he always does and I fully intend to be there to observe;

2. Sorry, Brock is a traitor and liar - and quite frankly a "has been" that never really "was" - he is irrelevant which is why no one has bothered - to imply because no one has bothered to sue him means he is correct is a bit.....of a long.......stretch - sometimes its simply not worth the bother;

3. now now calling will get you no where.....and I do know my history, the problem is with the egos of astrologers -- .....thinking that they need to do our thinking for us....and that their opinions are important or relevant....again as I said before .....nothing but egos trying to sell something they do not own...

Starcats' Note:

Doncha just love being accused of name-calling when you yourself didn't even initiate the email?

Wait! Come to think of it, Newtie Gingrich's GOPAC School was organized to teach the Right Wing how to do this!!

August Planet Watch!

Entitlements, anyone?

Our hate mailer (above) seems to think that I, and others like me, don't belong in America! As forecast on August 3 (below), we can see the entitlements argument heating up both in the macrocosim and the microcosim!

"There has always been a debate over the destiny of this nation between those who believed they were entitled to govern because of their station in life, and those who believed that the people were sovereign. That distinction remains as strong as ever today. In every race this November, the question voters must answer is, How do we make sure that political power is used for the benefit of the many, rather than the few?" - Al Gore's, New York Times Editorial

That's right, Al! I thought this was supposed to be "government by the people for the people" lest our republic perish from the earth!

The debate over "the destiny of this nation between those who believed they were entitled to govern because of their station in life, and those who believed that the people were sovereign," comes under heavy fire in August 2002. Currently we have Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Mercury and the asteroid Vesta in Leo, the sign of "entitlements." Monday's Mars trine Pluto from aristocratic Leo to political beliefs Sagittarius ignites the fires of this issue. All the Leo planets are moving towards an opposition with revolutionary, rebellious Uranus currently conjoined to the USA's natal Moon, the astro-body that we associate with "We the people."

The week of August 19 through the 26th means extra vigilance for Americans at home and abroad. Also for our friends in Israel and Palestine. Hamas, Al Aqsa and Hezbollah are likely to unleash suicide bombings on a scale not heretofore witnessed. The sign Leo in mundane astrology is associated with pride, arrogance, tribalism and tribal amoralism. Both the Bible and the Koran can be perversely used to justify any outrage including genocide.

Rumor has it that Saddam has outfitted Hezbollah with the means to launch a bioweapon upon Israel. However, at the time that rumor made the airwaves (MSNBC-TV, 8/1/02), the Leo Sun was opposing deceit-pronel Neptune. My take on it is that the Bushocracy and Britain's Tony Blair are inventing justifications to bomb Baghdad. Blair faces massive public opposition to England's participation in an Iraq war. Blair, caught between the crosshairs, stands firm with America on the one hand, yet has to overcome his image as "Bush's lap dog" in the eyes of his own people.

Debate, anger and anxiety escalate the closer we get to August 22's Full Moon. Sun at 29 Leo (conjoined to the fixed star Regulus, the King/heads of state) is opposed by Moon at 29 Aquarius, revolutionary groups. Who gets dethroned? Will Arafat be exiled?

Will Enron's Ken Lay, et al., finally be indicted?

Will we get so sick of hearing about Bush living large (Jupiter in Leo) at "The Western White House" (his ranch in Crawford) while the rest of us are picking shit and rocks with the chickens?

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Starcats, August 6, 2002.

background graphics courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics

New Honorary Starcat

Queso, of Waco, Texas

Read Queso's story at Justice for Queso.

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