StarcatsNEWSMAKERS August 2003![]() |
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![]() August 3, 2003![]() Gray Davis & the California Governor's Recall: "Can You Hear Me Now?"![]() California's Election Recall Provision Vote: October 10, 1911![]() |
Note how this chart's Mars at 10 Gemini is conjoined to the Republican Party's natal Saturn. Pluto at 28 Gemini is conjoined to September 11, 2001's WTC disaster's Moon. In fact, what is uncanny is that the vote for the Recall Provision occurred in 1911, or (removing the "1") 9-11. The Libra Sun is conjoined to the USA's Saturn in Libra and, therefore, kicks off Bush and the USA's natal Sun at 13 Cancer. The Recall chart received its Saturn return hit at the same time the GOP's chart did back in 2001 and took a total of three conjunctions via Saturn's retrograde cycle. Since the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (every 20 years) is an important harbinger of how socio-economic and governmental policy is likely to change, I looked for the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that preceded this era's recall of election vote. As you can see, this vote occurred at the opposition phase of the 20 year Jupiter-Saturn cycle, so what would the conjunction, or birth of a new 20 year phase reveal? The conjunction occurred on November 11, 1901, 6:46 am in Sacramento, California at 13 Capricorn. Or: opposite the USA/Bush Sun and conjunct today's position of transiting Chiron! This conjunction chart's (not shown) Sun is 5 Sagittarius, which sets off the grand square involving Davis' Moon as well as transiting Mars and Uranus. There's the grand mutable square again, which says "where you start out is not where you end up" (paraphrasing horary astrologer, Ivy Goldstein Jacobson). Mutability implies fluidity, changing conditions, adjustment and oftentimes sacrifice and/or abandonment. May 28, 2002's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 22 Taurus will shortly be impacted by the transiting North Node which is presented at 26 Taurus, or conjunct the most malefic of fixed stars, Caput Algol. People are "losing their heads" (reason and sanity) under the spell of this Republican Jihad against Gray Davis and at latest count, there are some 300 individuals who have paid their $3,500 and submitted the necessary 65 signatures qualifying them to run for California's governorship. If I had the money, I'd toss my hat into the ring just to say that America's astrologers and visionaries were represented! Early January 2004 will find the transiting North Node at 19 Taurus, or conjunct the Recall chart's natal Saturn. This will occur at inauguration time for a new governor should Davis lose his fight to maintain office. The Call chart's Chiron is at 2 Pisces and is taking direct hits from transiting Mars and Uranus. Chiron in this chart sets off Bush's Virgo Mars. George Tenet's Sun, and Gray Davis's Inauguration Moon. In light of the foregoing, it does not look good for Davis. On the other hand, as stated previously, Karl Bush Rove may get what he wants while inflicting an incurable, chironic wound upon the Republican party. The Recall chart contains Neptune in Cancer opposite Uranus in Capricorn. This 180 degree phase (the conjunction of the two planets was their "seed" or birth of the cycle). Neptune in gentle Cancer conjoined to the USA's Mercury is the utopian voice of "the people" in stark contrast to shattering Uranus in the sign of the established order. The "awareness," and stark awareness defines any planetary opposition phase, was given full voice by Gov. Hiram Johnson who sought to give Teddy Rooseveltian progressives greater powers to create public policy. [The Neptune-Uranus conjunction, a new seeding moment, occurred in the sign Capricorn in the late 1980's and into the early 1990's. Saturn joined the two in the late 1980's. Hence, we saw the fall of the Soviet Union in the late 1980's, the creation of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, the Savings and Loan Scandals from the "green is good" Reagan era, and the long recession associated with Gulf War I. Neptune-Uranus in Capricorn manifests by showing the tangible result of a long power erosion process. We saw the tearing down (Uranus) of the Berlin Wall (Saturn in Capricorn -- walls of stone) on television (Uranus is the ruler of electronics.] Rove and Issa, if they were open to astrology, would be cautioned by the 1901 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction chart's nodal contacts. The lunar nodes are 13 Scorpio North/13 Taurus South, in the same degree as the 13 Capricorn Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (oftentimes an indicator of presidential assassinations) and is opposite George Bush's natal Sun and square the USA's Saturn. It's Moon is 11 Cancer, in opposition to the chart's Mars, Chiron and (widely) its Venus. The overlay of this chart with contemporary horoscopes under our examination, contain lethal warnings for just how far Bush and Karl Rove intend to press against a now fragile American democracy. The California Recall case is a sobering consideration for the whole of the United States, not just for those of us residing on "The Left Coast." The Golden State is the 5th largest economy in the world generating more revenue than the country of France. Put another way, California's economy is outclassed only by 4 other sovereign nations. Because of this economic power, you can safely say, "As it goes in California, so it goes in the nation and in the world." Hence, the misguided "populism" that the Republican extremists are using against California Democrats will eventually become GOP blowback. However, the damage done to our country's democracy may deal a fatal blow to the United States. It has already been said that Bush's actions since "president" have disrupted foreign policy for the next 50 years to come (Sen. John (Jay) Rockefeller, D-WVA/born June 18, 1937 ). On the domestic side, when Uranus moves into Aries in 2010-2011, we will eventually witness the Uranus Return of the 1929 Stock market crash (9 Aries). Saturn (the shrinking of resources) was at 25 Sagittarius at the time the bottom dropped out. Bush's squandering of the Clinton-Gore surplus and our current $400+ deficit were born as Saturn transited through Gemini in 2001 up to June 4, 2003 -- during its own opposition to the position it held at the time of the 1929 Stock Market crash. -- Starcats. |
![]() California Recall Election, October 7, 2003, 7:00 am (polls open) Sacramento, California (set for the State capitol).![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Footnotes¹ Karl Rove is one of the chief architects of the Davis Recall (he's been aiding and abetting Darrell Issa, Davis' top challenger, who is a convicted criminal). Rove has also been on the blower with "The Hammer," Tom DeLay (House of Representatives), and Gov. Rick (really kinda stupid) Perry of Texas directing the lone star state's gerrymandering scandal (The "Texas 11," formerly nicknamed "the Killer "D's," and also at one time "The Killer Bees," (after the African bee species!) are holed up in New Mexico for a month. (See Molly Ivins' Star Telegram column dated 8/3/03 for the latest news on the Democrats' exile.) This is the second time they've fled their own state to prevent a voting quorum from being present in the Texas "Lege," the state's congress). See Starcats' Newsmakers: Karl Rove for an in-depth look at the Prince of Darkness's enmeshment with W! It's uncanny how Rove and Davis share a Sun, Venus and Mercury conjunction in Capricorn in opposition to W's, the USA's and the GOP Party's Sun (13-14 Cancer). The aforementioned planets are in square to the USA's Saturn at 14 Libra. You might also enjoy Starcats' probe into Ken Lay's Chart, CEO of Enron, the now bankrupt energy company that sold the State of California megawatt energy at blackmail prices then failed to deliver it to California. Instead, Enron sold the same energy packages twice. The second sale of the megawatt hours was to utility companies located in Canada. ² As the energy crisis worsened, Dick Cheney held secret meetings in Washington, D.C. that were attended secretly by Ken Lay of Enron.![]() "Rescue California" A Republican-Sponsored Organization Reports: Why Should Gray Davis Be Recalled? --
Four Simple Reasons:
![]() California
November 5 |
Gray Davis is re-elected governor by a thin margin. |
February 4 |
People's Advocate, headed by Ted Costa, notifies Gov. Davis of its intention to try to recall him. |
March 26 | Recall effort begins petition drive. |
May 6 |
Rep. Darrell Issa jumpstarts the recall effort by beginning six-digit contributions to petition-gathering effort. |
May 29 |
Taxpayers Against the Recall organizes to fight recall effort. |
June 17 |
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer and state treasurer Phil Angelides announce they will not run for governor. |
June 22 |
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, considered a frontrunner among Democrats to replace Davis if he is recalled, says she won't appear on a recall ballot. |
July 7 |
Rescue California says it has enough signatures to put recall to statewide vote and ends its petition drive. |
July 10 |
Committee to Recall Gray Davis files lawsuit claiming Secretary of State Kevin Shelley is allowing some counties to drag their feet on the signature verification process. |
July 15 |
Opponents of the Republican-led effort to recall Gov. Gray Davis file a lawsuit to postpone a recall election until the petition drive can be investigated for elections fraud. |
July 23 |
Enough signatures are verified to authorize a recall election. |
October 7 |
Date set for the recall election. |
August 3, 2003, Newsmakers, Gov. Gray Davis, California Recall"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini ![]() Picasso's "Guernica" Newsmakers 2003 ArchivesJanuary 1, 2003 Happy New Year and Welcome to the World of the Weird: Bush & Saddam; January 2003's LunationsJanuary 18, 2003 Full Moon 1/18/03 and TIMELINE January 25-27, 2003 Hans Blix Reports to U.N. and Bush's State of the Union Address February 3, 2003 GrievingColumbia February 9, 2003 Colin Powell's Political Suicide Note Delivered "Live" to U.N. 2-5-03 Is He On Crack? February 15, 2003 Full Moon in D.C., 2-16-03: Bush's March Towards Armageddon March 14, 2003 In the Old Days, Bush Probably Drank Wild Turkey. Now That's He's Dry, He's Mad Because It Won't Go To War June 4, 2003 Federal Grand Jury Indicts Martha Stewart June 9, 2003 Karl Rove June 15, 2003, David Rozelle of the Capital Times What shall I call this new America in-the-making just three years into a new century? July 12, 2003, George v. George, Bush, Tenet, CIA & the Bogus Niger/Uranium Connection All Under One Roof! |