September 8, 2005
Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" and Katrina
end up building a billion dollar damn in Arkansas."
Stewart: Why would he build a damn in Arkansas?
Helms: His plan will be to fight the water over there, so we don't have to fight it over here.
I've wondered for 10 days if I'd ever be able to say about Hurricane Katrina. What could I say? What could I come up with that would go beyond repetitive astro-screeds about George W. Bush's egregiousness? What could I add to the dialogue that wasn't just another simple delineation of aspects?
There are some excellent analyses of Hurricane Katrina on the web, so let me direct you to Michael Wolfstar's Newscope, to Ed Tamplin's "Usa, Uranus & Iraq" and to Sally Cheyne McDonald's "Dante's Inferno." More is sure to come and when they are made available, I'll do my best to alert you.
Alas, I wonder what I have to contribute. I'm unable to post articles so quickly after traumatic events. I'm one of those who needs time to process things before I write about them. In light of that, you could probably say that I've shown up a day late and a dollar short.
Still, I want to offer my observations. I hope they will be well received.
Starcats, Claudia D. Dikinis, September 8, 2005, Santa Monica, California.
Key Players
Michael Chertoff, Secretary, Homeland Security, November 28, 1953, Elizabeth, NJ (no time known).
Michael Brown, Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) aka FEMA (division of Homeland Security), November 11, 1954, Guymon, Oklahoma (no time known).
Chart data and an analysis of the Homeland Security Act is here.
Hon. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Governor of Louisiana, December 15, 1942, New Iberia, Louisiana, 30N00, 90W49 (no time known).
Hon. Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans, June 11, 1956 (no time known), New Orleans, Louisiana, 29N57, 90W04.
You can't make this stuff up . . .
Michael D. Brown
In every case, without exception, the Key Players' natal Neptune, planet ruler of Homeland Security Act's (HLS) Ascendant, falls in the 7th house of that chart.
Among many outstanding cross-aspects between the key players' charts and the HLS chart are the following:
Michael D. Brown: Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer square HLS Mars and Brown's natal Neptune, both in Libra. Brown's Uranus-Jupiter conjunction trines HLS's 27 Pisces Ascendant and the aforementioned Mars/Neptune placements quincunx (a 150 degree aspect of sacrifice and difficult adjustment) HLS's Asc.
Brown's Pluto in Leo is in HLS's 6th house of public health issues while his Sun, Saturn and Venus fall in HLS's 8th house of public mortablity. Brown's North Node at 6 Capricorn conjoins HLS's Chiron in the 10th house of public matters associated with reputation, accountablity and standing.
Saturn, as ruler of the aformentioned points indicates that at the outset of Brown's appointment, there would be a fated event calling for him to respond with firmness and control. Brown's natal Uranus-Jupiter conjunction are in opposition to his own natal Chiron at 24 Capricorn. Uranus-Jupiter are surely events outside of Brown's control (the hurricane in this instance).
Brown's Saturn, the planet related to competence and accountablity, is the focal point of a T-square formed by HLS's Moon opposition Neptune. Brown has a Moon-Jupiter in opposition to Mars square Saturn natally. This fixed T-square shows someone who is consummate at digging in an stonewalling. Brown will be difficult to dislodge from his position unless George Bush fires him. Brown's T-square is now a fixed grand square until February 17, 2006 when transiting Mars in Taurus moves on to Gemini. The fixed t-squares and grand squares are what I call the "quagmire" modality.
Brown's natal Uranus at 25 Aquarius is conjoined to the USA Moon indicating that a disruptive (Uranus) event would impact massive numbers of people (Moon) and that Brown, in connection with his FEMA role under HLS would be called into action.
Brown's Uranus at 25 Aquarius is in the degree of New Orleans' Lunar Nodes at 25 VirgoN/PiscesS, respectively. Note that New Orleans' Nodes conjoin HLS's Ascendant/Descendant axis. It's planetary contacts to chart angles and the lunar nodes that show action and in the case of Hurricane Katrina and her players, fated action.
Natal Neptune in the HLS chart at 8 Aquarius is in the degree of HLS's Lunar Nodes: 8 GeminiN/8 SagittariusS, respectively. Transiting Uranus at 8 Pisces is square the USA's Declaration of Independece Uranus which is conjunct HLS's North Node. The mutual reception between transiting Neptune and Uranus in connection with these nodal contacts point to violent upheaval on many levels simultaneously. In addition, the U.S. Constitution's chart, the designating chart of the Federal Government (with legal authority to create departments such as Homeland Security) is 8 Aquarius. (September 17, 1787, 4:00 pm, Philadelphia, PA).
HLS's Moon and Mercury (9 Leo, 9 Sagittarius, respectively) are also close enough to HLS's Nodal degree that they should be included in the mix.
September 9, 2005 --
Embattled Brown Taken Off Katrina Duty
". . . Brown will be replaced by Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad w. Allen, who was overseeing New Orleans relief and rescue efforts....Brown is being sent back to Washington from Baton Rouge, where he was the primary official overseeing the federal government's response to the disaster, according to two federal officials who declined to be identified before the announcement . . ." Yahoo News
FEMA chief relieved of Katrina duties
Move follows controversy over Brown’s qualifications, agency’s response
"Amid harsh criticism of federal relief efforts, Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff announced Friday that Michael Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is handing over Hurricane Katrina relief duties to a Coast Guard official and returning to Washington to oversee the national office. . . ." MSNBC
Chertoff: “Other challenges and threats remain around the world,” and Brown is needed to prepare for those, Chertoff said at a news conference in Baton Rouge...."
Oh, that makes me feel safe....-- Starcats.
earlier on 9/9/05 . . .
Horsie Lawyer Michael D. Brown Lies on Resume
"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." -- George W. Bush. (you can say that again).
Report: FEMA chief’s bio overstates experience
City that hired him says he was ‘more like an intern,’ Time reports
"Brown's biography on the Federal Emergency Management Agency Web site says he had once served as an "assistant city manager with emergency services oversight," and a White House news release in 2001 said Brown had worked for the city of Edmond, Okla., in the 1970s "overseeing the emergency-services division."
However, a city spokeswoman told the magazine Brown had actually worked as "an assistant to the city manager."
. . . "The assistant is more like an intern," . . . MSNBC reports on Time mag's story on Michael D. Brown's, er, prevarications.
Newsnight's Aaron Brown (CNN) reported live (9/8/05) that there were discrepencies as to whether Michael Brown had ever taught at an Oklahoma University or college as reported on his resume. The institution in question stated that they had no records of a Michael D. Brown teaching for them.
Capital Buzz reports that Brownie is OUT/fired as of tonight (9/9/05). . . ? -- Starcats
(Some links to news stories may expire. My apologies).
Michael Chertoff
Michael Chertoff, who looks uncannily like Vladmir Lenin, has his Sagittarius Sun in close orb of conjunction to HLS's South Node.
His Pluto and Neptune at 25 degrees Leo and Libra, respectively are in nodal degree in his birth chart (Capricorn 25 N/Cancer 25 South). Neptune of water, oil, and Katrina hurricane tidal surges at 25 Libra squares the his lunar nodes. His natal Pluto falls in the 6th house of HLS's chart equating to public health issues. Pluto is the planet associated with the toxic soup components afloat in Neptunian waters. New Orleans is a veritable River Styx flowing up from the underworld into New Orleans' city streets.
I would mention in connection with the River Styx allusion above, that HLS's Vertex, a highly fated point in a horoscope relating to unavoidable relationships with people and dynamics of any highly charted situation, is at 29 Virgo, the epitome of a public health disaster indicator.
Chertoff is tied to George Bush by a shared fate. Chertoff's South Node is conjoined to Bush's 12th house Saturn and to the USA's 8th house Mercury (public mortality) which opposes the USA's Pluto at 27 Capricorn. HLS's Mars at 26 Libra forms a T-square to the aforementioned, as does Chertoff's Neptune.
(I use the 12 Sagittarius rising or Sibley chart for the USA. Those who prefer the 8 Scorpio rising chart, will want to make note that HLS Moon and Neptune form a stressful T-Square to that chart's Ascendant).
Chertoff and Brown were born in 1953 and 1954, respectively, so their outer planet contacts to HLS's chart are very close in relation to each other.
Ray Nagin, Mayor of NOLA
Nagin's lunar nodes are the reverse of HLS's. His North Node is 8 Sagittarius (HSL's South Node) and his South Node is 8 Gemini (HLS's North Node). A nodal conjunction between two entities where the nodes are in reverse to each other signals a highly stressful relationship. Their wills may be opposed, particularly when the Sun conjoins the nodal axis points each year. Each conjunction means an opposition to the opposite fated point. The squares (in this case Virgo/Pisces) are also bound to indicate times of struggle. We find this clearly marked at Hurricane Katrina time when the Virgo Sun opposed Uranus in Pisces setting up a mutual grand square (the nodes would be highly charged release points, so I will call this a grand square even though the nodes are not planets).
Nagin's Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Leo is in the 6th house of HLS's chart, the house of public health issues. His Saturn, also known as the grim reaper in "underworld" Scorpio is in the 8th house of public mortality in the HLS chart. Nagin's Jupiter at 25 degrees Leo and Pluto at 26 Leo are semi-sextile and quincunx (serious adjustment, major sacrifice aspect) Michael Chertoff's nodes positioned on the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Cancer/Capricorn is the parental/authoritarian/protectionist signs, hence, his nodes "resonate" with the bureaucratic designation: Homeland Security.
Nagin is bound to rub Chertoff and Brown the wrong way no matter what the circumstances. The former telecommunications CEO has Mercury at 0 Gemini in sextile to Uranus (and possibly Moon) in Leo. Nagin is closely attuned through this aspect to the open, free-flowing forms of New Orleans' artistic and expressive lifestyle. Nagin's Sun at 20 Gemini is trine HLS Mars and close enough to a conjunction with HLS's Saturn to show that this strong man would dynamically give voice to issues of race and equality (Mars in Libra) and as New Orleans' Mayor (Sun/authority) would take responsiblity (Saturn HLS chart) for disseminating evacuation orders and for the declaration of marshal law and final forced evacuation orders for the safety and security of NOLA's citizens.
Nagin's Neptune at 27 Libra quincunx's (sacrifice/adjustment) HLS's 27 Pisces Ascendant. So do his natal Jupiter and Pluto, creating, with the Asc angle, a YOD, where the release value is HLS's Ascendant, Pisces, the sign of the redeemer, the watery deep, the spiritual, the artistic, the savior, and the mouthpiece of advocacy for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and the rescuer of culture.
Nagin's Sun connects by sextile to his Jupiter-Pluto assuring a strong rise in status and power to the top via his telecommunications career and his subsequent rise in politics to Mayor of internationally known New Orleans. Nagin's Jupiter-Pluto squares his natal Saturn (27 Scorpio) revealing another Katrina player who can dig in, stonewall, and hammer his point until everyone, including Chertoff, Brown and Bush are forced to reckon with him.
Nagin's 27 Libra Neptune is in t-Square to the USA's Mercury in opposition to Pluto drawing in Bush's 12th house Cancerian Saturn at 26 degrees of the sign. The foregoing, in connection with Brown and Chertoff's charts, indicate power struggles at a plutonic depth. None of the players intends to relent. In combat, these aspects would indicate combat to the death. Mars at 26 Libra in the HLS chart is strongly cross-aspected in all the player's charts.
Another interesting feature is that Nagin has Venus in trine to Mars natally hooking into a trine with HLS's Venus creating a grand water trine. His Uranus squares HLS Venus and his Mercury squares his Mars. Nagin's Mercury sextile Uranus connection to this cross-chart grand water trine were the planets connected to Nagin's soulful descriptions of conditions on the ground in NOLA and his spirited rants and emotional "hurricanes" of his won when venting his frustrations at the lack of response from Brown and Chertoff.
Nagin's Venus opposes HLS's Chiron which strikes a wound to the soul of beauty (Venus). Saturn as Chiron's ruler, is conjoined to the 4th cusp of HLS's chart. HLS's Moon (and Nagin's) is in dramatic Leo. The poignancy, majesty, beauty and history of New Orleans takes a bitter wound from Saturn (runination) ruled Chiron. Nagin has been the chief articulator of this and of HLS's gross incompetency.
Kathleen Blanco, Governor of Louisiana
Gov. Blanco has a natal Mercury conjunction to Capricornian Venus in opposition to Nagin's natal Venus and in conjunction to HLS's natal Chiron. Her Neptune at 01 Libra 57 is just over the 7th house cusp (27 Virgo) of the HLS chart and is in square to her Mercury-Venus and fits into a T-square formation with Nagin's Cancerian Venus. I would say off hand that her Capricorn Mercury and Nagin's Gemini Mercury in sextile to his Uranus (YOD, where Blanco's Mercury-Venus is the release valve) didn't find the two getting along so well. We know Nagin was furious at Blanco and Bush for "not getting on the same page." Blanco's Saturn orientation through her Mercury Nagin's Mercury-Uranus in Gemini-Leo were bound to clash. One wants to MOVE IT (Nagin) and the other needs time to think (Blanco).
Blanco's lunar nodes (27 LeoN/27 AquariusS) are in the degree of HLS's Ascendant. They are also in the degree of the USA's (Sag rising chart) Moon at 27 Aquarius where we find Blanco's South Node positioned. I suspect Blanco has had long aspirations and performance in Louisiana politics. She and Nagin both are Democrats (a fact not lost on pundits who wonder why the Republican run Bush Administration's HLS was so slow to act) and the sign Aquarius is associated with the common people.
God must have loved the common people. He made so many of them. -- Abraham Lincoln, Aquarian.
Blanco's Pluto is conjoined to HLS's Moon (the public) and is opposite HLS's Neptune (confusion and sacrifice). Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, the outer planets are those we look at when describing mass movements and mass displacements of human beings. Both Nagin and Blanco individually, and through cross-aspects, are clearly two people thrust upon the world stage watching mass displacements of the common people who, unfortunately, clearly demonstrate for the rest of us, that where the outer planets are concerned, we don't have a damn thing to say about it.
Blanco has a Mars (Sagittarius) in opposition to natal Saturn (7 Gemini). This can be a self-blocking aspect under great pressure. She has been criticized by Nagin for not moving quickly enough by stating to George Bush that she needed another 24 hours to think about Bush's proposal to move in military troops, an issue of law involving Posse Comitatus legal considerations.
"POSSE COMITATUS ACT" (18 USC 1385): A Reconstruction Era criminal law proscribing use of Army (later, Air Force) to "execute the laws" except where expressly authorized by Constitution or Congress. Limit on use of military for civilian law enforcement also applies to Navy by regulation. Dec '81 additional laws were enacted (codified 10 USC 371-78) clarifying permissible military assistance to civilian law enforcement agencies--including the Coast Guard--especially in combating drug smuggling into the United States. Posse Comitatus clarifications emphasize supportive and technical assistance (e.g., use of facilities, vessels, aircraft, intelligence, tech aid, surveillance, etc.) while generally prohibiting direct participation of DoD personnel in law enforcement (e.g., search, seizure, and arrests). For example, Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachments (LEDETS) serve aboard Navy vessels and perform the actual boardings of interdicted suspect drug smuggling vessels and, if needed, arrest their crews). Positive results have been realized especially from Navy ship/aircraft involvement."
Her Mars also widely squares Nagin's Mars which, in light of Blanco's need to defer decisions until she is sure and Nagin's need to jump and ACT, caused more problems between the two.
The foregoing should illustrate the importance of finding the core chart for use in analysis, the necessity of locating what is happening at the chart's angles and its lunar nodes (and Vertex, if applicable) and how the key player's charts hook into the core chart under examination.
Katrina Makes Landfall/Biwheel w/NOLA
Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall, August 29, 2005, 6:10 AM CDT +5:00,Buras, Louisiana, 29N21, 89W31. Asc: 00 Virgo.
City of New Orleans, February 10, 1718, 12:13 PM CST+6:00 (Time Rectified by Marc Penfield, "Horoscopes of the USA & Canada), New Orleans, Louisiana, 29N57, 90W04. Asc: 8 Gemini.
I mentioned in the Prologue that there are lots of great articles on the Web about Hurricane Katrina itself. More are sure to come.
I want to bring out a couple of things that jumped out at me by way of adding to the mix.
First, the Asc. of Katrina's hit on land is 00 Virgo, still within orb of conjunction to the royal fixed Star, Regulus, the King. Louisiana was named for the french king, Louis XIV. This is another one of those things that you just can't make up.
The Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, is not a king, of course, but she is the highest ranking official in the state. Her Chiron of wounds is . . . 29 Leo.
Katrina's Moon is 8 Cancer, conjunct NOLA Mayor Nagin's Venus and opposes Homeland Security's Chiron. It is also in nodal degree to HLS's natal lunar nodes.
Look at the angles: Sun in the first house opposes Uranus (8 Pisces, lunar degree of HLS and square to the USA's natal Uranus at 8 Gemini). These two planets form a T-square to Juno at 7 Gemini in the 10th. Juno in mythology is associated with storms. Juno IS the goddess of storms. Juno's appearance in the 10th house says that this is a hurricane and it's a female. It's name is Katrina.
There is another T-square formed in fixed signs. Mercury in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius in square to Mars in Taurus. Mercury is whipping winds, Neptune is water and Mars is like a cosmic blender set on "liquify." Neptune is in the 6th house of the chart indicating future, stubborn water-born diseases that will become public health matters.
Mecury in Aries, Mars ruled, is in the 8th house of public mortality. Venus is conjoined to the South Node at 14 Libra and is ruler of angry, sea-stirring Mars in the 9th house, the house associated with the seafaring/the high seas.
Pluto is in the 4th house of the Katrina chart revealing collective trauma. Uranus in the 7th is connected to mass displacements and separations from family. Sun in Virgo is the ruler of Saturn and Mercury in Family pride Leo. Uranus, who in mythology had his genitals cut off and cast into the sea, is in mutual reception with Neptune. Venus conjoined to the South Node is Aphrodite arising from the foam in trine to Juno, goddess of Storms. A raging woman. A woman named Katrina. A storm on the high seas that hits land causing collective trauma (Pluto in the 4th).
Bonus Chart For Further Study: Homeland Security Act in Tri-wheel w/NOLA & Katrina Makes Landfall
Wikipedia's Hurricane Katrina In Depth
Wikipedia's Hurricane Katrina Effects on New Orleans & Timelines
Think Progress's Katrina Timeline
State of Louisiana, August 30, 1812, 8:54 AM CST+6:00 (Time Rectified by Marc Penfield, "Horoscopes of the USA & Canada), New Orleans, Louisiana, 29N57, 90W04. Asc: 5 Cancer.
City of New Orleans, February 10, 1718, 12:13 PM CST+6:00 (Time Rectified by Marc Penfield, "Horoscopes of the USA & Canada), New Orleans, Louisiana, 29N57, 90W04. Asc: 8 Gemini.
State Capital: Baton Rouge, Louisiana -- September 25, 1719, CST+6:00 (Time Rectified by Marc Penfield, "Horoscopes of the USA & Canada), 30N27, 91W09 Asc: 23 Sagittarius.
*[Marc Penfield's data is widely used. His reasons for chart rectifications are outlined generally in the introduction to his book. You can buy his book @ Astro America, or directly from Marc @ Marc Penfield/Official Homepage. Marc is terrific guy and his book is a treasure trove. --Starcats]
Starcats, Claudia D. Dikinis, September 8, 2005, Santa Monica, California.
New Honorary Starcat: Lil' Kitty & Lt. Brosheal!

"Small survivor : US Airforce Lt. Nathan Brosheal holds a kitten rescued and airlifted to New Orleans International Airport in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana. (AFP/James Nielsen)"
Bunny Rabbit & National Guardsman!
Newsmakers 2005 Archives
July 17, 2005: Karl Rove Scandal: Bush's "Brain" Damaged
July 6-13, 2005: London Bombing July 7, 2005, Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Cancelled July 13, 2005, Bush &mp Rove
July 21, 2005: Second London Bombing July 21, 2005, Space Shuttle Discovery Launch, "Scotty" James Doohan dies, John Roberts Nomination Gets Rove Off Front Page News
Newsmakers 2004 Archives
June 8, 2004: Update: George Tenet
September 17, 2004 Election 2004 & Other Ruminations