July 13, 2005
NASA Calls Off Launch of Shuttle Discovery
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - A faulty fuel sensor aboard Discovery today forced NASA to scrub its first attempt to launch a space shuttle since the Columbia disaster 2 1/2 years ago. "A low-level fuel sensor in the external fuel tank, one of a set of four -- two of which are needed to work" forced mission controllers to postpone the launch for at least the day. "It will take some time really to understand what to do to remedy the situation," NASA said." CNN
Maybe it's the good fortune of today's Moon occulting (an occultation of planets is like an eclipse of those planets) benevolent Jupiter (1:46 pm EDT) or tomorrow's Moon square to reality-based Saturn that caused NASA to cancel today's Discovery shuttle launch. (Geocentric/Earth view).
Looking at the Heliocentric chart (below) where explosive Mars conjoins combustible Uranus in Pisces, the sign ruled by the fuel king Neptune, this postponement can only be good. Check out the 4th house positioning of Mars-Uranus in the Helio chart. The 4th house is commonly where you read for "endings." Had NASA decided to go with the launch, I fear the end would not have been a good one.
However, CNN goes on to report, "The current launch window expires July 31, and the next begins in September. A Thursday launch would be at 3:28 p.m. ET." If this means NASA is gunning for a July 14th launch, the Helio chart for 3:28 p.m. still shows Mars conjoined to Uranus in the 4th house of endings. The Moon's last aspect in the sign Libra is that square to Saturn I mentioned above. Things do not go well when Luna and the Lord of Karma are in stressful aspect.
UPDATE: MSNBC -- "No new launch date was officially set, however NASA Administrator Mike Griffin told visiting congressional members that the next launch attempt could not take place until Monday at the earliest.. . ."
The Helio Mars-Uranus conjunction is even tighter on Monday, July 18th. There's 1 degree 20 minutes separation which equates to about one and one half days. "Earth" in the Helio chart is 26 Capricorn, conjunct the USA's Pluto and opposite her Mercury, Part of Fortune and Vertex point (fated relationships) in the 8th house. Helio Juno (political marriages/decisions) is at 20 Aries, conjunct the USA's 4th house natal Chiron. There is a lot of stress around this shuttle launch. To say that the issues are of a life and death nature is not overly-dramatic. The Discovery crew has already mentioned that when in space they want to say something in memoriam about their Columbia shuttle colleagues. But beyond words, lives are at stake and the future of space exploration hangs in the balance. Let's hope that if NASA errs, it will be on the side of caution.
[For those of you who haven't worked with Heliocentric charts before: 1) earth is the symbol noted by a circle with a "plus" sign in side it. 2) The Sun itself is not shown because the chart is cast from the vantage point of the Sun. 3) The Moon is not shown because we don't read a planet's moons. Hence, there are no lunar nodes to consider.] -- Starcats
July 13, 2005
Today's Sun (Cancer) square Mars (Aries) is exact at 4:01 pm PDT/7:01 pm EDT. Sol and Mars punctuate the New Moon's (July 6) Moon square Mars and will be reactivated by a Moon opposite Mars aspect on July 15. That's the first quarter Moon, so look for further developments in the U.K. investigation into London's bombings, deeper do-do for Karl Rove over his outting of CIA operative Valerie Plame, and the potential for more suicide bombings in Israel and Lebanon (both countries were impacted today by violence today).
NASA is confident DISCOVERY will get off the pad tomorrow July 13, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Cape Canaveral, Florida. Asc: 21 Scorpio. NASA
The Heliocentric chart (a horoscope cast as if you were standing on the Sun) has Saturn already at 0 Leo in the 9th house of l-o-o-o-n-g distance travel opposite Chiron in technological Aquarius. The Helio chart shows what's at stake and how much pain there still is around Shuttle Columbia that crashed in February 2003. Heliocentric Mars and Uranus, both in Pisces, are conjunct, indicating that NASA better be very, very sure that what they call "acceptable risks" really are "acceptable." Mars and Uranus in conjunction, square or opposition are highly explosive and ultra-combustible. Mars and Uranus are positioned in the 4th house of the Helio chart and are separated by less than 5 degrees. Using horary timing rules, the mutable "conjunction" happens in under 5 days. Let's wish NASA and the Discovery crew God's speed. Here's the link to Starcats' series, Grieving Columbia.
Heliocentric Chart for Proposed Launch of Discovery
"At about 5 p.m. EDT Tuesday at Launch Pad 39B, the cover of Discovery’s window #7 fell approximately 60 feet and struck a carrier panel on the orbiter's left Orbital Maneuvering System pod, damaging several tiles. A spare carrier panel is available and Space Shuttle engineers estimate replacing the component will take approximately one hour. Replacing the panel is likely to delay the planned 7 p.m. EDT rollback of the pad’s Rotating Service Structure, but there are no indications at this time of any impact on Wednesday’s scheduled launch time. No other issues are being tracked by the Launch Team." Updated on NASA's Site.
Data Corner:
Suicide bombing in Netanya, Israel: July 12, 2005, 7:00 PM, EEDT -3:00, Asc: 9 Capricorn. Country of Israel, May 14, 1948, 4:37 pm, Tel Aviv, Israel, EET -2:00, Asc: 0 Scorpio.
Birth Chart for Al Qaeda, February 23, 1998, 5:00 am; London, England. Asc: 14 Capricorn.
Now Quoting....
Saturn Enters Leo
"The taskmaster Saturn enters Leo on July 16, and will stay in this imperial sign for the next two years. Saturn here has a major influence in the horoscopes of many political leaders, nations, and generations, especially the so-called Baby Boomers. Saturn in Leo judges kings and monarchs, or the leaders who personify these royal qualities. . . . Those who show true leadership -- that is, those who are fair to their subjects -- will be further empowered by Saturn, while those who demonstrate arrogance, greed, and foolishness will stumble."
Newscope, Wolfstar @ Stariq
July 7, 2005
[Remember back in the summer of 2001 before 9-11 when we had 1) Shark attacks off the coast in Florida; 2) 24/7 TV reports on missing Chandra Levy? Okay, it's summer 2005. What are we looking at? 1) Shark attacks off the Florida coast. 2) TV Reports on Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen missing in Aruba...]
37 confirmed dead in London blasts
At least 700 hurt, 45 seriously; Blair blames Islamic terrorists
Paddick said the first explosion had come at 8:51 a.m. BST (0351 ET) near Liverpool Street, Aldgate and Aldgate East Underground stations, where seven were confirmed dead.
At 8:56 a.m. there was a second explosion on a Piccadilly Line train near Kings Cross and Russell Square tube stations, where 21 were confirmed dead.
At 9:17 a.m. there was an explosion on a train traveling into Edgware Road station, affecting two other trains, with five confirmed dead.
At 9:47 a.m there was an explosion on a bus at Upper Woburn Place near Tavistock Square...... CNN
Starcats' Commentary:
Detonator for the Event: 7-6-05 New Moon (14 Cancer 31, 1:02 PM, BST -1:00, Asc: 10 Libra). Sun-Moon conjoined at 14 Cancer in the 10th house of the NM chart, the house of public glory. On the same day, Britain won the competition to host the 2012 Olympics. The G-8 Summit got underway in Scotland.¹
As the Sun and Moon culminated in the U.K.'s 10th house of status, privelege and prestige (let's not forget that the British are very class conscious), who among the world's self-appointed "great ones" ( G-8 Summiteers) had an inkling of what was to explode in the face of Britains vulnerables -- the nation's working class and the poor. [Don't tell me the likes of Chiraq, Blair or Bush take the underground or ride in double-decker buses.]
London After the Bombing
"After the Live 8 concert and the Olympic bid's success, London was in a carnival mood. The bombs could not have been better timed to whiplash our emotions; their careful coordination seemed designed to maximize fear, not casualties. But so far there's no sign of demonstrations in the rain à la Madrid. Nor is this Britain's 9/11. Read Maria Margaronis's report. The Nation
Almost as soon as the last device tore into a human body, security was tightened around Buckingham Palace. God save the Queen, of course.
A shaken Tony Blair faced the public calling the attackers [The Group of al Qaeda of Jihad Organization in Europe] "barbaric." Indeed, they are.
And Indeed this attack comes right at the time when G-8 Leaders (from 8 of the world's most wealthy countries) are meeting to stuff themselves on lobster while congratulating each other on jobs well done. But while poverty and AIDS in Africa and global warming rip the planet in half, cigars and brandy are about to be served. Will there be an honorable mention of the 30,000 children that die every 60 seconds as Summiteers jump on treadmills to work off that creme brulee?
The Bi-wheel to your left tells the story of this morning's attack:
- Transiting Sun, Moon (in dignity in its ruling sign) and Saturn fall in the 4th house of England's national security/homeland. Transit Saturn opposes the U.K.'s natal Venus (29 Capricorn) and trines it's 12th house Pisces Moon on the sacrificial fixed star Scheat.
- Transiting Mars at 17 Aries is just shy of a conjunction with the North node on the 12th house (hidden/shadowed) side of the Ascendant. The node, retrograde, moves into the 12th house while transiting Mars moves toward a conjunction with the Ascendant. Mars and the Lunar Node exchange a scrappy, edgy energy.
- Transit Pluto is lodged in the U.K.s 9th house of foreign elements. Jupiter ruled Pluto in Sagittarius calls forth the deep, unsettling social upheaval in the U.K. as a society works at integrating many foreign nationals into a country that was once the greatest colonizing empire on the globe. Religious and cultural clashes since (at least) India's independence in 1947 (and the birth of Pakistan, when it separated from India to become a muslim republic) have escalated to lethal levels. Natal Uranus at 28 Sagittarius reveals the coming centuries of religious upheaval that have punctuated Britain's history up to the present day.
- Transiting short-tempered Mars in Aries (the sign of it's rulership making it more powerful than usual) is in sextile to religious Neptune in ideological Aquarius. Neptune is in mutual reception with explosive Uranus in sacrificial Pisces (until 2011 when Uranus moves to Aries). This sextile segues into a YOD transit to the U.K. Saturn (15 Virgo) and North Node (19 Virgo).
- The release valve for the YOD is located in Britain's 6th house. Natal Saturn and the North Node in Virgo are ruled by Britain's Mercury in Capricorn (Virgo's ruler) in the 10th house of authoritarian power. The 6th house is known in modern times as the house of employment, co-workers, civil servants, domestic workers and the like. Back back in the day, the 6th house was where horarists such as William Lilly looked to gain information on slaves and slavery. One of William Lilly's (famous British astrologer of the 1600's) examples of horary charts for wealthy clients is entitled, "Did the slave girl steal the linen?" Today's events in London show how the class system and Britain's colonial history have come back to haunt her.
- In the next two days, Mars will meet the transiting North Node in Aries and reach the degree of the U.K.'s natal North Node. More will be revealed. The story isn't over yet. Speculation only: by the full Moon of July 21 (at 28 Capricorn), we may hear of the assassination of a world leader or the abduction of one of the attendees at the G-8 Summit.
- The Full Moon of July 21 finds the transiting Sun in an out of sign conjunction with Saturn at 0 Leo. Saturn leaves the sign of Cancer and will not return to the sign of the crab for another 29 years. The Capricorn Moon on England's 10th house Venus (29 Capricorn) opposes the aforementioned points drawing world attention to Prime Minister Blair and the royal family.
- I mentioned on Starcats that the depressing Moon in conjunction to Saturn (July 7, 2005) was the last such sad, mournful one for the next 29 1/2 years. As Saturn readies himself to step into royalty bound Leo, today's London attack presages the real possibility that not only will attacks such as these escalate, but that world leaders such as Tony Blair and George W. Bush will come under increasing danger of assassination. The royal family should also beware.
- The Ascendant for the attack is 26 Leo. Certainly a royal signature if there ever was one. It falls in the 5th house of pleasure and recreation hinting that Brits were still riding high on yesterday's announcement of their win of the 2012 Olympic Games. The 5th house is celebration and sports, but the Sun, Moon and Saturn line-up in the 4th house of the U.K.'s chart shows the dark sober event that radically (transit saturn in quincunx to U.K.'s natal Uranus) changed the day.
- Transiting Saturn in quincunx to U.K. natal Saturn shows the radical upheaval and sacrificial adjustment that is taking place in the England's homeland. The quincunx is set up from the 4th house (homeland) to the 9th house (radical foreign elements). Saturn's quincunx to explosive Uranus points out (Uranus represents ultimate surprise and sudden reversals of fortune) the now fated necessity for the U.K. and other governments in Europe to penetrate (Transiting Pluto) the darker forces at work within the fabric of their societies. No more denial.
- The U.K., other European nations and The United States are hosts to religious diversity and distortions (Pluto) of Islamic doctrine by bands of terrorists. Poverty, disease and corrupt foreign policies play directly into the hands of militants across the globe. The G8 Summiteers need no louder call to action than the one London received this morning.
Chart Data Flash:
¹ G-8's LIVE 8 Bob Geldof: October 5, 1951, 2:20 pm, Dublin, Ireland. Asc: 22 Sagittarius(!) Data courtesy of Astrodatabank Note how transiting Pluto is conjunct Geldof's ascendant. His rising falls in the U.K. 9th house. He's organized a worldwide musical "message" by way of concerts now delivered to the Summiteers. Geldof's natal Sun is conjunct international "Jupiter" (T-Pluto's ruler) now traveling through Justice-seeking Libra.
July 7, 2005 -- Starcats
 Two Chart Views of the U.K.
The top Bi-wheel (outer ring is the chart for the first explosion in London) is the "1066" chart for the coronation of William the Conqueror, Dec 25 1066, 12 noon. Per Rob Couteau (quoting Nicholas Campion), "Source: "With William's coronation the English nobles submitted to Norman rule. We have no idea what time he was crowned." Campion, "Book of World Horoscopes," p. 385. See also Noel Tyl, "Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult," p. 46, citing C.E.O. Carter: "Carter endorses the horoscope of the coronation of William I at Westminster in 1066 as the horoscope retaining a marked significance for modern England."
The bi-wheel to the left is also from Nicholas Campion: "I have found that this horoscope is the most useful for the United Kingdom, being that date on which the modern name of the state came into effect, although the chart for the coronation of William I is also very powerful. Beginners are recommended to use the 1801 horoscope.
"An additional horoscope, which refers specifically to the fortunes of the royal family, may be set for the proclamation of George III as the first king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in London at 3:15 pm on 1 January. P. 290, "The Book of World Horoscopes," by Nicholas Campion, 1988 (1st ed.)."
It is easy to see that both charts resonate to this morning's terrible events in London. Both charts are highly sensitive to the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). July 6, 2005's New Moon at 14 Cancer (conjoined to the USA's and George W. Bush's natal Suns) strongly hit the 1066 chart. For purposes of today's discussion of the tragic events in London, I've used the 1066 chart. It is the one I prefer. -- Starcats.
July 6, 2005
Today is George Bush's 59th Birthday. Check out the "interesting" forecasts on Bush's future @ StarIQ/Wolfstar and @ Rockie Horscope, 7-6-05 -- Starcats.
Tomorrow's Moon in Cancer conjunct Saturn (a depressing aspect if there ever was one) is the LAST one (in the sign Cancer) until August 29, 2032, 12:43:43 AM EDT, Washington DC/9:43:43 PM PDT. That is a cause for rejoicing. Remember, it takes Saturn 29 1/2 years to make a full circuit of the zodiac. The Moon will, of course, conjoin Saturn in the sign Leo when the Reaper makes into that sign (July 16, 2005). The good thing? It won't feel nearly as deflating. -- Starcats, 7-6-05.
June 26, 2005 -- It was there at the Solstice: 0 Cancer and the full Moon of June 21st at 0 Capricorn. The signs of the tipping point to come. Now, as Bush concludes the final "hit" of his second Saturn return, it appears that he no longer has the "political capital" he bragged of post Election 2004.
Bush will make a speech to the country to drum up support for his middle east adventuring in Iraq on Tuesday, June 28th (1 year anniversary of the hand-over of Iraq back to the Iraqis). It "fits" that the Ascendant for the speech chart (8:00 PM, Fort Bragg, North Carolina) is 0 Capricorn. The Midheaven (at 19 Libra) is in the degree of the transiting nodes which are rapidly retrograding to a conjunction with the USA's PROGRESSED Mars (18 Libra). The USA's Mars is set to go retrograde for 80 YEARS in 2006.
Any planets impacting the Lunar Nodes in mundane astrology (and planets hitting critical solsticial degrees: 0 Cancer, 0 Libra, 0 Capricorn & 0 Aries) are destined to play themselves out dramatically and with a "fated" quality, on the world stage. The end of Bush's adventuring was set in the beginning. That which is born in hubris ends in failure. Hence, it may be that the Goddess Nemesis is stirring herself awake.
For Asteroid watchers: Nemesis is currently at 5 degrees Cancer -- conjunct the USA's conquering "manifest destiny" Jupiter and "gimme bling-bling" Venus. For Karl Rove watchers, Nemesis is already opposing his progressed "I'm a radical reformer" Uranus and is creeping ever closer to oppose his natal Uranus. Nemesis demands an accounting for arrogance. Uranus is that proverbial reversal of fortune.
Rove's Capricorn Sun (3 degrees of the sign) was sorely impacted by the Cancer Solstice and Full Moon of June 20-21, 2005. So was his Chiron at 0 Capricorn. Right there in what we call "solsticial degree." This points to a profound wounding of and to power and authority.
Bush (through his political advisor/orchestrator Karl Rove) staked his second term and his legacy on Iraq; "I'm a war time president." What then, will his "legacy" be as Mars by transit retrogrades this year for over two months commencing October 1? Mars spends a full 6 months in Taurus which falls in the USA's 6th house of the military. [I use the Sagittarius rising chart]. Then what happens as the USA's progressed Mars, in Justice-seeking Libra, retrogrades?
America's international reputation for fairness has been critically wounded (Progressed USA Venus conjunct USA Natal Chiron opposite progressed Mars and natal Saturn). The Abu Gahraib and GITMO Bay prison scandals cannot be set aside.
Even the Generals are rethinking Bush's Iraq war and their conclusions are not confidence inspiring. The 4th house/10th house Positioning of Progressed Venus opposite USA Natal Saturn means a loss of popular support for Bush's policies in the homeland (4th house) and a lessening of reputation/prestige (10th house) abroad.
Note that Venus of "popular support" retrogrades by transit commencing December 24th for 6 weeks, the time that leads us into 2006, the year set for midterm elections. The article I've linked to at The GUARDIAN UNLIMITED spells out the numerous ways in which the radical reformist wing of the GOP (Bush-Cheney) is floundering. -- Starcats.
Newsmakers 2004 Archives
June 8, 2004 Update: George Tenet
September 17, 2004 Election 2004 & Other Ruminations