Capricorn Ingress 2000Stats:Al Gore conceded Election 2000 to George W. Bush on December 13, 2000 at 9:00 pm, 5 1/2 hours after the transiting Moon (void of course, 29° Cancer, house 12, "Concession Speech") crossed George Bush's natal 12 house Saturn (26 Cancer). Bush officially became "President-Elect" at 10:00 PM CST (Austin, Texas), as the Moon, at 1° Leo, applied to a conjunction of Bush's natal chart Ascendant (7 Leo).¹ The Ascendant/Midheaven Midpoint for the Capricorn Ingress is 13 Sagittarius, conjoined to transiting Pluto. This midpoint quincunxes the USA's natal Sun, Bush's natal Sun, and Judge Rehnquist's natal Pluto (all 13° Cancer). |
MidpointsBush's progressed Ascendant, 14 Virgo, is squared by this midpoint. The MP sextiles the USA's Saturn (14 Libra), but squares the USA's Sun, Bush's Sun and Rehnquist's Pluto-- a relationship that will be fraught with struggle vis a vis partisan accusations of and charges that "the fix was in." Rehnquist's Pluto in dynamic cross-link with Bush's chart and the USA's, is dynamically illustrated by turning to COSI for an interpretation of this MP:²Ascendant/Pluto: "Dictatorship or rule by force. The desire to bring other people under the rule of one's own will. A repulsive behavior." "Probable Manifestations: Violent disputes, quarrels, injuries, accidents. A drastic or radical change of one's circumstances in life." Midheaven/Pluto: "Foolhardiness and daring, licentiousness. The abuse of power, an anti-social conduct. The tendency to create reelings of resistance and vindictiveness in other people." "Probable Manifestations: The likelihood of sudden ruin through the misuse of power, a crisis at a certain juncture in life, a turn in one's destiny brought about by Providence."Why does COSI's interpretation of the aforementioned MP seem likely (if not overly dramatic?). Look at the Moon in the Ingress chart. It is at 13 Scorpio, disposited by Pluto and conjunct the 10 Scorpio Midheaven. 10 Scorpio is Bush's natal Part of Fortune located in his 4th house of "where it all ends." The line-up: Ascendant to South Node (ruled by transiting Saturn on Caput Algol) to 13 Capricorn (opposite the USA's and Bush's natal Sun) to Pluto (opposite fanatical Jupiter) to Moon (the people) to the Midheaven (reputation and honors).³ Moon/Uranus=0° CapricornThis is the Ingress degree taking a hit from Moon/Uranus. COSI says:"An excessive self-willedness, sturbborness, fanaticism, the tendency to exaggerate or to magnify things, the inclination to overstrain the nerves, the striving for absolute independence, unrest or restlessness, the craving for sensation." "Probable Manifestations: The tendency to over-do things either in work or in the pursuit of objectives leads esily to an overstrain on the nervous system. States of fear and anxiety."I tend to think Moon/Uranus may refer to Dick Cheney, who will actually operate as the "shadow president." Cheney's encounter with another heart attack on November 22, 2000, the 37th anniversary of JFK's murder, was a chilling portend. The Midheaven for Cheney's heart attack was 27 Cancer: conjunct both George Bush and JFK's natal Saturn. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (May 28, 2000) conjoins Cheney's natal Uranus. As Cheney is an "imploder," his 10 Aquarius Sun in square to Bush's Part of Fortune (10 Scorpio) will overstress this "Second Saturn Return" veteran. Cheney may decide, at some point, that "his heart isn't in it." I don't think the next administration augurs well for Dick. [Updated: On March 5, 2001, Cheney experienced another health emergency. See Starcats' Cheney.Read My Lips, No Lower TaxesThe Capricorn ingress chart "births" at the Solar Eclipse on Christmas Day. The Midheaven (7 Capricorn) is only a degree shy of December 30, 2001's Solar eclipse (8 Capricorn MC), a degree already sensitized by virtue of the fact that our Christmas eclipse does have an 8 Capricorn Midheaven if cast for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The MC and South Node ( both Saturn ruled) for the eclipse in Philly falls in the Declaration of Independence chart's second house: the people's assets. The first words out of my mouth? "There goes our money." The recession is here. Don't count on that tax cut Dubya promised. Partisan wrangling will nix it.[Updated: Although the U.S. Senate passed Dubya's tax plan on May 23, 2001, as well as confirming scumbag Ted Olson [Arkansas Project] as Solicitor General, the tax cut itself won't kick in for 10 years. Further, Democrats added numerous amendments to the tax cut, not the least of which is a proviso for a yearly review of its efficacy. May 24, 2001 Sen. James W. Jeffords [I-Vt] switched his life-long GOP affiliation to the Independent Party. He plans to caucus with the Democrats, thus up-ending the U.S. Senate's GOP majority. See Starcats Jeffords.]Updated: December 21, 2000"The growth rate's dramatic decline to 2.2 percent, a level not seen in four years, adds to evidence of a weakening economy." -- Los Angeles Times Online Neptune: Get Out Those Extra Blankets!Not that we didn't know it was coming when gasoline prices rocketed off the charts last June, but it strikes me as "odd" that the USA, the richest country in the world, faces an "energy crisis." Last quarter earnings for the Big Three oil companies were the highest reported in years, just at the time Cheney resigned from Halliburton Oil to become Bush's Veep choice.Deepening Crisis Raises Specter of Power RationingState of California: "Electricity: Amid fears that blackouts might begin this weekend--and possible downgrading of big utilities' credit ratings--pressure on state to let rates rise grows intense."-- Los Angeles Times OnlineIf I'm not online next week, you'll know why! Southern California Edison, my energy provider, will file Bankruptcy in January 2001 if no remedy is in place within the next two weeks. [updated: May 25, 2001 -- the Creep and the Veep have made it eminently clear that they can do nothing to solve America's faux energy crisis. Note: the USA has 110 billion barrels of crude in its reserves. That is enough for every American's needs for the next 24 years sans drilling another centimeter. The truth: there is no crisis. As transiting Neptune crosses Bush's 7th house cusp (house of partnerships), public revelations of who he's really in bed with (Big Oil) will escalate now that Saturn (criticism) has entered (media) Gemini. One of the many reasons Sen. Jeffords (I-Vt] left the GOP is his opposition to Bush's abhorent disregard for the environment.]Eclipse Continued. . .Mercury, Sun, Moon and South Node in Capricorn in the 10th: Bush creates his cabinet dedicated to the Conservative Rule of Law. The South Node or "Back to the Future," will take heavy hits at inauguration time when Uranus moves back into square with Saturn. The shoring up of Bush's Republican base foreshadows a splintering (Uranus) once Right Wing Conservatives start pressuring the new administration to honor the extremes inherent in that agenda. The USA (as well as Israel) is very "sensitized" to potent Saturn-Uranus cycles. The two squared each other three times in 2000. Since the time of the Democratic and Republican Conventions (August 2000), Israel-Palestine's shattered peace process moved in tandem with our own: Election 2000. Gore struggled with Bush. Ehud Barak of Israel struggles with Netenyahu and Yassar Arafat. [December 21, 2000, Shimon Peres and hard line Likud leader Ariel Sharon have entered the contest for Prime Minister of Israel]. Eclipse Venus (19 Aquarius) is in the degree that will greet Uranus on Inauguration Day. The two are conjoined for the eclipse and square Saturn on Caput Algol, foreshadowing tandem violence for both the USA and Israel.[Updated: May 25, 2001 -- As the heavens aligned for May 22, 2001's Gemini New Moon, the Mitchell (Middle East) Report was released. The report contained talking points for a cease-fire and renewed peace negotiations. Israeli-Palestinian violence has reached critical mass. The only thing left (if the Mitchell Report fails) is for one or both sides to issue a declaration of war. See Starcats Israeli Conflict.]Mars meets Ingress Degree (0 Capricorn) December 23, 2000 when he conjoins 0 Scorpio. The harbinger of war, terrorism, and civil unrest will be the first planet to cross the Ingress Threshold. On inauguration day, Mars squares Venus and Uranus and opposes Saturn, thus creating a lethal T-square. Mars's crossing is a remeeting of transiting Mercury's Election 2000 fateful path: 29 Libra to 0 Scorpio.Eclipse PathVisibility: Central America (except the south), the West indies, Mexico (Volcano Popo erupted after 1,200 years this week), North America (except the northwest), the west North Atlantic Ocean and southern Greenland.![]() Eclipse Graphic Courtesy of NASA December 25, 2000 | Eclipse Update:Saddam Calls for Holy War on IsraelBAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Saddam Hussein used his traditional Christmas message Monday to call on the world's Christians and Muslims to rise up in holy war against Israel and the "Zionist conspiracy." Djindjic Wants Milosevic ProsecutedBy DUSAN STOJANOVIC, Associated Press Writer "BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - With official returns confirming a sweeping election victory of Serbian pro-democracy forces Monday, the new premier-designate said former leader Slobodan Milosevic will face prosecution for years of crime and corruption." Blasts Rock Pakistan, Injure 45By MUNIR AHMED, Associated Press Writer" LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) - Bombs went off in four Pakistani cities Monday, including a powerful blast that ripped through a crowded market in this eastern border city, police said. Some 45 people were injured."The above news reports from Associated Press, in connection with Excite News Updates Visit Starcats Inauguration 2001: A Most Dangerous Game: A pattern begins to emerge. . . There is a madman on the loose. He's stalking the collective unconscious."Just before the new president is sworn in, the Moon makes a square to Venus at 17 Pisces (11th house). The next aspect will be Moon conjoining Chiron at 24 Sagittarius (8th house) and quincunxing Saturn at 24 Taurus in the first house. Mars (16 Scorpio) in the 7th house of adversaries squares Mercury (16 Aquarius) and Uranus (19 Aquarius) in the 10th house of the presidency. This set up is the classic "explosion" aspect associated with bombs, gun fire, terrorist activities and calls to war. Saturn at 24 Taurus in the first house indicates that the next president will carry burdens nearly beyond human endurance." Footnotes¹ Keep in mind that Gore's Nomination Speech (August 17, 2000, 8:52 PM, PDT +7:00 Los Angeles, CA 34N03, 118W14 Asc 11 Aquarius) had a void of course Moon: 27 Pisces. When I studied that chart, I remember thinking: "Will Gore's run come to anything?" The last aspect the Moon made was a trine to the MC, "late" at 28 Scorpio.December 20, 2000. Updated December 21 and December 25, 2000 |
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