The War Room Suicide Bombers Attack Israel
Note transiting Uranus and Mars (Aquarius) in square to Israel's 7th house Taurus Sun, opposite Israel's natal Mars on the fixed royal star, Regulus. This T-square has been shaping up over the last couple of weeks. November 30, 2001's Full Moon across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis (which reignited the Saturn-Pluto opposition), was the detonator for December 2's horrific explosions in Jerusalem.
See Starcats' Israel in Crisis: Yasser Arafat October 20, 2001. In this article I discussed the coming downfall of Arafat. December 2, 2001's explosions in Jerusalem appear to signal the end of his regime.
Second Attack: "Terror attacks kill at least 28 in Israel", reported by CNN online. "Suicide attacks in Jerusalem and
Haifa, Israel, on Saturday and Sunday left
at least 25 victims dead, authorities said.
Three suicide bombers also died.
A powerful bomb ripped through a bus
Sunday in the Israeli port city of Haifa,
police said, killing at least 16 people,
including a suicide bomber, and injuring
about 35 others."
See, "Sharon seeks Bush OK for attack that could end Arafat era," World Tribune, December 2, 2001
"Sunday, December 2, 2001
WASHINGTON - In his meeting with President George Bush today, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon may seek U.S. backing for a counterattack that would either exile Yasser Arafat or destroy the Palestinian Authority altogether."