Joyous Valentine's Day!
Be an Ambassador of Compassion & An Emmisary of Joy

Happy Love In 2025!

Pluto is in Aquarius for the next 20 years. More on this as 2025 Unfolds!

Planet Motions, Eclipses, Ingresses data for 2025 is Here
Open your mind to give / receive spiritual, emotional, physical and mental knowledge; the gifts given by the great healer, ASCLEPIUS and his daughter HYGEIA. The big picture still remains out of our control, but Higher Forces intervene for our good when least expected.

Be Like the River

"A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence." -- Miyamoto Musashi
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Highlighted by popular request: Starcats Astrological Law & Order (Mundane/Political astrology rules) HERE
Starcats Archives & Resources/Teaching are HERE!
"Uranus in earthy Taurus. The Empress in the Tarot deck; the queen of nature, a Gaia force working with Ceres to protect the planet and life on earth. Bless all living beings. Our lives and our environment are ONE. Neither survives without the other. IMAGINE, prepare, persist, repurpose, set & keep clean boundaries.

& The River is You

Celebration Moons: Quarter Day, Cross-Quarter Days, Midsummer Day, Michaelmas, Christmas & More Farmer's Almanac

"Let go of what has passed.
Let go of what may come.
Let go of what is happening now.
Don't try to figure anything out.
Don't try to make anything happen.
Relax, right now, and rest."

TIMING is everything. All things change. Change is our only constant.
Can an astrological consultation really help?
Yes! The magic is in YOU. Astro-knowledge Unlocks your power.
Check out My Bio for an extensive outline of my services. Email me for information and for a full disclosure of my fees.
"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather....In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or is dehumanized." -- Goethe

The way ahead is lit by our trust in inner visions.
"How can I be substantial if I fail to cast a Shadow? One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. C.G. Jung
Mark your calendars for 2025's first Mercury retrograde!
Next Mercury Retrograde: . . . Retrograde Shadow begins on March 1, 2025, at 26 Pisces 49 . . . Mercury Retrograde on March 15, 2025 at 9 Aries 36 . . . Mercury stations Direct on April 7, 2025 at 26 Pisces 49 . . . Mercury is out of Retrograde Shadow on April 26, 2025 at 9 Aries 36.
Mercury was the only entity allowed access to both Mt. Olympus and hell by the Gods. Mercury is the guide between the conscious and unconscious. He's the Psychopomp and Loki the trickster from Norse mythology. He is quicksilver and also the healer, Hermes. Mercury is my chart ruler!

Troubleshooter's Bonus Transits Report:
Mark your calendars for these high tension dates -- Mars opposite Saturn:
29 May 2017 - 25 GE/SAG
14 June 2019 - 18 CAN/CAP
1 July 2021 - 12 LE/AQ
20 July 2023 - 5 VIR/PISC
8 August 2025 - 1 LI/AR
29 August 2027 - 27 LI/AR
15 September 2029 - 24 SC/TAU
28 September 2031 - 21 SAG/GE
10 May 2033 - 1 CAP/CAN
"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personsal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather . . . In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or deescalated, and a person is humanized or is dehumanized. -- Goethe
Conscious living doesn't grant us immunity from troubles, but we are able to transform our stumbling stones into stepping stones.
Planets at Work
Wishing you safety, health, joy and abundance In February, 2025!

In memoriam, my dad, Knute F. Dobkins, December 13, 1921 -- January 21, 2012,
for my brother Knute F. Dobkins, Jr., October 17, 1955 -- September 20, 2015, my mother, Bettye Jean Dobkins, August 5, 1927 -- May 23, 2018, and youngest brother J.E. Mack, February 18, 1962 -- September 3, 2021.

Be prepared. That's what the truth and astrology do for us. We gain the edge by seeing things exactly as they are. Not by how we wish they would be. -- Starcats
The best investment you can make right now is the one you make in YOU. All change happens on the inside first as an intention, then as a purging of old, useless and outdated parts of self that leads us to a realignment with our Authentic Self. At that stage, we are then ready to SPEAK OUR WORD and let loose the energy that will manifest our future goals and dreams. Let astrology help!
Timing is Everything! Be sure you're connected to yours!
Starcats' U.S. & World Astrology
U.S. Politics
More Starcats' Teaching Center, Cool Tools & Resources Here
Proud supporter & guest instructor for Kepler College
Free horoscope casting at Astrolabe, Creators of Solar Fire Software.

July 22, 2002 Wealth & Democracy in America The middle class is in crisis. The rich are getting obscenely richer. The poor are getting even worse off. By 2010-2011, 1930's style depression economy for most Americans not unthinkable. Plan accordingly. . .
U.S. Politics: Astro-Lessons:
Mundane Astrology & Astrolaw
Starcats' political astrology tutorial.
USA's Next 20 Years!
Charts forJupiter-Saturn Conjunction May 2000
Article by Starcats on The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction
A MUST READ for political junkies - Rob Couteau: The Birth of Nations
U.S. Economics
Charts for the USA
Charts for FBI and CIA
Charts for Democratic & Republican Parties

In Memoriam: The 3 Original Starcats: Draggie, Buggie & Jaqqi

See Draggie's Official Portrait, gift of friend Sally McDonald
Don't Miss Starcats' WATERGATE Astro Series!
All Watergate documents (scroll down to "Watergate")
John Dean's columns for Find Law Here
September 11:
Articles & horoscopes
World Politics
Get the astro-history of Gandhi, India & Pakistan!
My article originally appeared in Aspects, A Quarterly Astrological Magazine, Vol. 25 - No. 3, Fall, 2000, entitled "Pakistan Renews Political Bombings." Check out articles & charts for ISRAEL, USS COLE, South Yemen &
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