by Claudia D. Dikinis
This article originally appeared in Aspects, A Quarterly Astrological Magazine, Vol. 25 - No. 3, Fall, 2000, entitled "Pakistan Renews Political Bombings."
By the time you read this article, we will have traversed July 2000's triple header eclipses - two in cozy, familial Cancer and one in pride-of-the-clan Leo. How could eclipses in two "family friendly" signs result in a new cycle of protest bombings in Pakistan? How is it that ethnic purges and clan violence are renewed in Rwanda, Nigeria and in India? To find out, we'll use Pakistan's renewed political bombing cycle as our example. We'll study June's Lunar cycle, note how Mars beat the Sun to 0 Cancer four days prior to the Cancer Ingress, and July 16th's Lunar Eclipse, all of which impact Pakistan's danger points.
Before we explore the charts, let's bone up on our history by accessing Grolier's Encyclopedia on CD ROM:
". . . The idea of partitioning British India into separate Hindu and Muslim areas originated in the 1930s and became the goal of the Muslim League under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the 1940s. Independence was achieved on Aug. 14, 1947, [I'm using Campion's proclamation time of August 15, 1947 at 00:00 a.m. -- CDD] and Pakistan assumed sovereignty over two separate regions--East Bengal (later East Pakistan) and West Pakistan--located on either side of the South Asian subcontinent. The separation from Hindu-dominated areas granted to India was accompanied by widespread Hindu-Muslim rioting, the transfer of about 8 million Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan (especially from the Punjab) to India, and the forced relocation of about 6 million Muslims from India to Pakistan. War erupted with India over control of Muslim-dominated Jammu and Kashmir) and ended in 1949 with a cease-fire line recognizing Pakistan control of about 40% of the disputed state . . . ."
Here's The News
"KARACHI, Pakistan - July 15 - A bomb ripped through a crowded passenger train heading for southern Karachi early Sunday, killing eight people and injuring 25 others, railway officials and doctors said.
"The train was pulling out of the station in Hyderabad, 100 miles north of Karachi, when the bomb went off around 7:00 a.m., they said. Troops quickly cordoned off the area as residents helped rush victims to the hospital." - Internet News. (Our July 15 corresponds to Pakistan's July 16 - Lunar Eclipse day).
In terms of Pakistan's long-standing ethnic war with India, it is important to keep in mind that political bombings inside Pakistan and her border skirmishes with India, coincide with India's liberation from British rule in 1947 as orchestrated by Mahatma Gandhi's "peaceful resistence" movement. Gandhi was later assassinated by a Hindu zealot during the time of Hindu-Muslim riots, a tragedy which resulted in massive relocation of both Hindus and Muslims. Today's ethnic violence is a continuation of Gandhi's final heartbreak - the failure of Hindus and Muslims to overcome their religious and ethnic traditions in favor of a unified India. A large part of the argument originally centered around who would first rule an independent India. Should it be a Hindu or a Muslim? You might want to rent the film "Gandhi" from your local video store if you haven't seen it. For one thing, the film is a masterpiece. For another, it is historically accurate. This film dramatically showcases the political, ethnic and economic conflicts between these two nations. And astrology shows us that Gandhi's chart still lives!
Pakistan, India & Gandhi
Pakistan's Ascendant, 17 Taurus, falls in Gandhi's 7th house of open enemies and conjoins his natal Pluto (the power of rule) and his natal Jupiter (far-reaching vision of the laws overseeing India's destiny). Both Gandhi's Pluto and Jupiter were squared by transiting Uranus retrograde at 19 Aquarius in Gandhi's 4th house of "Mother India" on bomb day. Further, Transiting Neptune (retrograde) conjoined Gandhi's South Node (5 Aquarius), calling forth India's past -- a vast spiritual and visionary heritage. Transiting Pluto retrograde (now at 10 Sagittarius) is in orb of Gandhi's natal Saturn (12 Sagittarius) in his second house of resources and values.
Saturn in Sagittarius is a "mini" Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, an aspect of "checks and balances" against over expansion through Saturn's ability to conserve and formulate. Gandhi's Saturn (discipline) in Sagittarius (the laws defining societal values) was beautifully enacted in his lifestyle: he loved the simplicity of spinning (traditionally women's work), he refused to alter his mode of dress (a loin cloth), and chose a simple vegetarian diet. These are unusual choices for a man with a Leo Moon and North Node in the 10th house of fame! But his part of fortune (7 Virgo) in his 11th house of "the future," points to the development of a spartan lifestyle leading to clear and penetrating thought (Mercury ruler in Scorpio). Gandhi's boundless freedom visions for "Mother India" is shown by his natal Uranus (revolution) in the nurturing sign of Cancer in his 9th house of beliefs. Gandhi's well-known decision to embrace a life of celibacy is shown by his Venus-Mars conjunction in sexy Scorpio in quincunx to sacrificial Neptune in Aries in his 6th house of domestic arrangements. His fixed T-square from the Moon to Venus and Mars and Jupiter and Pluto reveal Gandhi's physical and psychological battles with his strong sexual nature. His spiritual destiny as an intuitive freedom strategist is revealed through his glorious grand fire trine comprised of Leo Moon, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Aries. This is a power wielding chart for a man who ironically eschewed worldly privilege in favor of a nation's self-rule.
At summer 2000 eclipse time, all the "outers" were retrograde. Their impact upon Gandhi's chart clearly reveals that present day conflicts have roots which are firmly entrenched in murky waters of the past. This new level of crisis was seeded in 1997, the year of India's and Pakistan's Chiron returns (4 Scorpio, conjunct Gandhi's Mercury). Gandhi's spirit still "walks the banks of the Ganges" and mourns. Pakistan's North Node at 28 Taurus is the degree in which transiting Saturn was posited on the day of the bombing. This places Saturn in orb of the fixed star ALCYONE (the star of grief).
Note: From 1997 until the present, Gandhi's chart has been strongly activated by both Pakistan and India's charts. Nuclear test explosions conducted by India and Pakistan and the border skirmishes of 1999, reached a crescendo in the Mahatmas's chart during the August 11, 1999 eclipse, which created a grand fixed cross in all four of his chart angles. Pakistani political bombings have escalated over the last year and it seems clear that there will be no respite. Here are some headlines culled from CNN online:
9 dead, 26 injured in bomb explosion on train in Pakistan
July 16, 2000
Report: Blast hits Pakistan embassy in Afghanistan
July 17, 2000
Pakistani police probe possible assassination attempt
January 4, 1999
Deadly bomb rocks Karachi mosque during prayer
January 28, 2000
At least 2 killed in Karachi bomb blasts
March 31, 1998
Pakistan blames India for train bomb
June 7, 1998
Now let's have a look at the astro-mechanics of Lunations. New Moons are the month's mystery. As the Moon's light darkens to conceal her intimacies with Sol, she is thus impregnated with his dynamic drive towards the manifestation of will and purpose -- an event made actual at the Full Moon when "The Creative and The Receptive" reach their greatest light. The Moon's entire monthly cycle is important to watch. For example, if you're a lunation and eclipse buff, you'll start paying closer attention to news reports around the time of the First Quarter Moon. At this juncture, Luna hints at what is to come. This phase is known as "the moment of growing crisis," as the Moon has now reached her waxing square to the Sun. Similarly, the Last Quarter Moon represents "the moment of crisis resolution." This is the Moon's waning square to the Sun, her closing phase. At this time Luna moves toward Sol to initiate another cycle. For the purposes of the Pakistan bombing, I'll focus upon the New and Full Moon cycles.
June 2000's Gemini New Moon, An Airy Stellium
This Sun-Moon merger included feminine Venus and masculine Mars, both of which conjoined the sacred meeting at 9 and 20 Gemini, respectively. A hot and dry combination, the New Moon fanned not only wild fires in the USA, but the fires of dissent in Pakistan. Mars (20 Gemini) fell in the New Moon's 8th house of death in Hyderabad, Pakistan, while the 12 Gemini New Moon merger conjoined the nation of Pakistan's Part of Fortune in its first house - "the people."
What would be "the message?" How would it be delivered by eclipse time? The key, as we shall see from here on out, is Mars. First, and most importantly, June 9, 2000's transit of Mars conjoined Pakistan's natal Uranus at 25 Gemini -- the classic explosion aspect. This conjunction was augmented by transiting Uranus' opposition to Pakistan's natal Pluto, Saturn, Venus and Sun in "family pride" Leo in its 4th house of ethnic roots. Of further importance is May's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. That convergence ( in Pakistan's first house) squared its natal Leo Sun and transiting Saturn. The resulting T-square's release point (the first house conjunction) clearly set up the Pakistan chart for eclipse impact over the next two months.
June 16, 2000, Full Moon
The Sun's position (26 Gemini) was one degree past Pakistan's natal Uranus. (You'll remember that Pakistan's Uranus exchanged volleys with transiting Mars on June 9!) Here's a perfect example of a sensitized chart point triggered by a second hot, dry planetary hit! The Moon at 26 Sagittarius fell in Pakistan's 8th house of death. The Moon's dispositor (Pakistan's natal Jupiter) is at 19 degrees Scorpio - "the accursed degree of the accursed sign," -- Serpentis. Serpentis is a coiled snake readying itself to spring. And if that isn't enough, transiting Saturn's degree was 25 plus Taurus, well within orb of CAPUT ALGOL, significator of wounds to the neck, throat, head and eyes. This turned out to be the description of the injuries sustained by the survivors, let alone the eight victims who perished on July 16th's eclipse.
June 17, 2000
Mars makes it to 0 degrees Cancer, the degree of the Sun at Cancer Ingress set for June 21! Moreover, 0 Cancer is Pakistan's natal Mars position signifying it's biyearly "Mars Return." In 29 days, retrograde Mercury and Ingress stoked Mars would deliver their message.
July 16, 2000: Time Bomb Explodes, Hyderabad, Pakistan
Time bomb is the operative word here. Saturn and Jupiter, the "chronocraters," are in the bomb chart's 10th house in a fairly wide out-of sign-conjunction. Saturn is within degree of ALCYONE, while Jupiter at 3 Gemini reflects "a long train journey."
By planetary hours, It is the Day of the Sun and the Hour of Venus. (Remember that Venus and Mars "joined" Sol and Luna in Gemini for June's New Moon!) In the chart cast for Hyderabad, Pakistan, 7th house Uranus (public enemies) at 19 Aquarius (retrograde) quincunxes Mars at 19 Cancer which is posited in the 12th house of covert actions.
Bombing Mars is in the degree at which Mercury retrograded on June 24, 2000 while Mercury (retrograde) is at 10 Cancer, the degree of July 1, 2000's Solar eclipse. As of "eclipse day," we find Mercury and Mars, designated eclipse players, delivering the message that took shape in the shadows of June's New Moon.
July 16, 2000 Eclipse, 6:55 PM, Hyderabad, Pakistan
Nearly 12 hours after the bombing, July 16th's Lunar eclipse hit Hyderabad, Pakistan. Why did the bombing happen before the eclipse? First, an eclipse "window on shocking events" operates anywhere from a week to three days prior to an eclipse and afterwards. But the key here is impatient Mars and it's earlier conjunction to Pakistan's natal Uranus in June as well as its hasty landing onto 0 Cancer prior to the Ingress Sun.
The bombing chart for Hyderabad, Pakistan's Leo Ascendant will be triggered again on July 31, 2000's Solar Eclipse at 8 Leo. At the time of this writing (July 24), we've already entered the eclipse "window," and there has been another powerful explosion in Quetta, Pakistan which "ripped through a market in southwestern Pakistan late Saturday, [July 23] killing nine soldiers and injuring 28 other people. . .". (CNN online). As mentioned above, Pakistan's internal battles and hostilities toward and from India will not be resolved quickly nor quietly. It is no secret that Osama bin Laden, terrorist extraordinaire, hides out in Pakistan. While I have no evidence to support bin Laden's participation in these bombings, I believe it would be wise for the next U.S. President to steer a careful course around this region of the world.
All horoscopes were calculated using the Koch House System with Solar Fire astrology software.
1. Pakistan Independence
August 15, 1947
Karachi, Pakistan
00:00 AM INT, Zone -5:30
24N52, 067E03
Asc: 17 Taurus
Source: "The Book of World Horoscopes," by Nicholas Campion
2. Mohandas K. Gandhi
October 2, 1869
Porbander, India
7:11:48 AM LMT Zone +0:00
21N38, 069E36
Asc: 26 Libra
Source: Lois Rodden's "The American Book of Charts," 1980
3. Bomb in Hyderabad, Pakistan
July 16, 2000
7:00 AM R4T Zone -5:00
Hyderbad, Pakistan
25N22, 68E22
Asc: 9 Leo
2. Lunar Eclipse
July 16, 2000
6:55 PM R4T Zone -5:00
Hyderabad, Pakistan
25N22, 068E22
Asc: 19 Capricorn
Claudia D. Dikinis (Starcats) is an American Astrologer, Poet, Writer, Web Site Designer residing in Santa Monica, California. As founder of AstroConsultants of Santa Monica, Claudia spends her time teaching workshops, editing her newsletter, and counseling astrological clients located around the globe. Claudia's travels (1974-1987) have introduced to her to the diverse cultures of: East Africa, Southeast Asia (Hong Kong, Thailand & Sri Lanka), Europe, Canada & Mexico. Her cultural studies uniquely qualify her to work with clients from all walks of life. Currently, Claudia teaches an online course in astrology and a Saturday morning astrology class at her home. You can read a review of her Web site written by Mary Plumb at Claudia is a Member of Aquarius Workshops, Inc., created by Joan McEvers and Marion March. Visit her Web site: