U.S. Politics:
Saddam Hussein

April 28, 1937
4:05 am BAT -3:00
Tikrit, Iraq
34N36 43E42
Asc: 8 Aries

Source: Lois Rodden, through Karen McCauley, telephone confirmation


Commentary Update, October 12, 2001

Senior U.S. officials have been debating whether or not to expand the Afghanistan operation into other countries suspected of harboring terrorists. While Bush did not say which way he was leaning, he issued a direct warning to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, whom he accused of brutalizing his people and threatening his neighbors. “The leader of Iraq is an evil man,” said Bush, who called on Saddam to give U.N. inspectors full access to his weapons-building infrastructure. “We’re watching him very carefully."

[-- President Bush held a press conference live on major television networks on October 11, 2001 wherein he alluded strongly to Iraq. -- Starcats]

February 16, 2001 Starcats Quote

"The Bush men and Saddam are inextricably linked. All three are set upon the world stage to enact a passion play that erupts out of the collective unconscious. Transiting Pluto is conjoined to Saddam's North Node in his 9th house of fanatical ideology. Mars, which spends a total of six months in 2001 in Sagittarius, will eventually hook up with his North Node. Both will take the opposition from Transiting Jupiter and Saturn. We can expect to hear the old rhetoric about both Bushes (Saturn-Jupiter on the Gemini South Node in the third house), as well as Baathist party new-speak (North Node Sagittarius) as Saddam works to arouse the angst of his Republican Revolutionary Guard.¹"

[See February 13, 2001's Starcats article (below) for an in-depth analysis of Dubya and Saddam Hussein.

October 12, 2001

Transiting Mars hits 27 Capricorn on October 23, 2001, reigniting the Gulf War Eclipse and Gulf War Incursion horoscopes. Gulf War Mars is at 29 Taurus -- the degree of the USA's transiting Venus at her Solar Return, July, 2001.

When you look at Poppy Bush's natal chart, correspondences between the Gulf War charts and WTC 9/11/01 are chilling. "The sins of the father will be visited upon the children." Poppy's Sun is 21 Gemini, conjoined to Operation Enduring Freedom's first strike upon the Taliban in Afghanistan. Poppy's Mercury at 29 Taurus (on Alcyone, the fixed star of great grief) conjoins 2001's Solar Return Venus (USA), and the Gulf War/Gulf War Eclipse's Mars. Poppy has natal planets placed at 11° and 14° -- sensitive degrees we see repeated in charts for WTC 9/11/01 and thereafter.

Commentary, February 16, 2001

As you can see by a look at Hussein's 8th house, Mars is due to pass over his Moon on Wednesday, February 21, 2001. He'll have his Mars return on Friday, February 23, which corresponds to the New Moon at 4 Pisces (which will be wedged between Ariel Sharon's Mercury and Sun in Pisces). Mars is Hussein's Ascendant ruler, ruler of his Venus in Aries (retrograde), and his natal Saturn in his 12th house. His Saturn squares his Midheaven, and is also the degree of the Spring Equinox, or "Aries Ingress."

Both Dubya and Hussein share 12th house Saturns, so unconscious and collective issues with the father principle become "shadowed". However, there is a stark contrast between how the two men work with 12th house Saturns. Saddam's Arian Saturn "works alone." His first house Sun trines his Midheaven, which mitigates a 12th house Saturn's rulership of the MC. Aries charts its own path, and Mars in Sagittarius, which is militant about being "right," trines Saturn. He is a solo power.

Dubya's 12th house Saturn, his least aspected planet, is in security-oriented Cancer. Dubya is shielded and shields himself either in the White House or at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Dubya seeks to individuate (although he does not appear to be consciously aware of it) so as to break free of his father's greater shadow. Dubya relies on his cabinet to run his administration by acting more like a CEO. Saddam just runs it and often times executes those who disagree with him with a pistol at point-blank range. I'd say there is a distinct difference in style here.

At any rate, Saddam's Jupiter at 26 Capricorn opposes his Natal Pluto across the 10/4 axis. This opposition hooks up with Dubya's natal Pluto (26 Cancer) and the USA's natal Pluto at 27 Capricorn. This ruthless hook-up between the two draws Dubya into a fated arena where he must show unbridled strength if he is to emerge (in his eyes) as a "man", and as a power equal to or greater than his father.

Details as to Saddam's childhood are not well-known and hard to come by, but some information regarding a brutal father has surfaced, and parallels between Saddam's childhood and Adolph Hitler's are easy to make. Both were brutally beaten as a matter of course in day-to-day life. Saddam's subsequent merge with the Baathist party, which took over the Republic of Iraq on February 8, 1963, is quite similar to Hitler's creation of the Nazi Party which evolved into The Third Reich.

The Bush men and Saddam are inextricably linked. All three are set upon the world stage to enact a passion play that erupts out of the collective unconscious. Transiting Pluto is conjoined to Saddam's North Node in his 9th house of fanatical ideology. Mars, which spends a total of six months in 2001 in Sagittarius, will eventually hook up with his North Node. Both will take the opposition from Transiting Jupiter and Saturn. We can expect to hear the old rhetoric about both Bushes (Saturn-Jupiter on the Gemini South Node in the third house), as well as Baathist party new-speak (North Node Sagittarius) as Saddam works to arouse the angst of his Republican Revolutionary Guard.¹


¹ by Republican Revolutionary Guard, I do not mean that Saddam is linked to the USA's Republican party. The Republic of Iraq's military force is referred to as "The Republican Guard."

Hussein's Birth Data

Lois Rodden, Wednesday, January 20, 1999:

Dear Claudia,

". . .Saddam Hussein, April 28, 1937, Tikrit, Iraq, 43E42, 34N36. Steinbrecher quotes INFOsophia 15/1991 that Andre Barbault had seen a copy of the B.C. for 4:05 AM ST-3. LMR wrote to Barbault, who replied that his niece had seen a paper written in Arabic that she was told was the B.C. Inasmuch as she does not read Arabic, she said it could have been a recipe for goat's eyeball stew for all she knew. Barbault is as skeptical as I am that [what she saw] was a [bonafide] B.C. Pandit Ashutosh Ojha in AFA 5/31/91 says "Born on the night of April 27 or morning of the 28th, a reported time is 3:35 AM Baghdad time." Bill Merician called from Abu Chabi, UAI on 11/09/91, quoting a Lebanese astrologer who ssaid that Hussein's mom went tino labor late the 27th, devliered early into the 28th. He rectified [the chart] to 00:07 AM ST-3. Helen Ederer quoted Herbert Yohag for 7:12 PM. T. Pat Davis speculated 9:15 PM GMT. Julian Cohen talked to a local university professor who had been formerly in the Middle East who wrote to his contacts and came up with an 8:55 AM time. Julian does not know if this is authentic. In the same week, Caroline Gerard wrote from Scotland that Nick Campion quotes Eric Mores for the data of February 16, 1937, 8:55 AM. Frances McEvoy has a chart from a correspondent in France for 10:30 AM. "Transit" [7/1998] gave February 17, 1937 but noted that Iraq had celebrations on April 28, 1987 for Hussein's 61st birthday. Grazia Bordoni wrote on 3/98, "I read in the newspapers that he was born in a Bedouin tribe where no one registered birthdates. Not only is the time not sure, but neither is the date."

Because Hussein's birth data is unverified, use the 4:05 AM birth time with an abundance of caution. -- Starcats.


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