U.S. Politics:
Roe v. Wade

January 22, 1973
12:00 PM EST +5:00
Washington, D.C.
38N53:42 77W02:12
No Time Known


On March 18, 2001, as transiting Mars conjoined transiting Pluto, the Roe v. Wade chart experienced its Mars return signaling renewed battle. The Midheaven for the Aries Ingress, at 1° Aquarius, conjoined Roe v. Wade's natal Sun at 2° Aquarius just after the Vernal Equinox. [The MC moves a degree every 4 minutes].

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) announced that same afternoon that Bush's first "presidential" act (January 22, 2001), denial of funding for family planning clinics in the Third World that sanction abortion, would begin taking heavy fire towards a reversal of Dubya's Executive Order.

Transiting Saturn enters Gemini on April 20, 2001 and will conjoinRoe v. Wade's natal Saturn on August 25, 2001, marking the U.S. Supreme Court Decision's first Saturn Return. Saturn, in the media-sensitive sign of Gemini, will bring public debate and vociferous opposition by conservative pundits and politicians.

Transiting Venus will conjoin Bush's natal Sun and oppose Roe v. Wade's natal Venus on August 13, 2001. Look for women of both parties to set themselves against Bush and his policies in a highly public manner. Venus, currently retrograde in contentious Aries, marks a six week interval of dynamic reassessment of values (Taurus) and judicially-based decisions (Libra). Mars, currently at 16 Sagittarius, is in the degree of Roe v. Wade's lunar nodes via a square (difficulties) aspect. Mars, currently in retrograde status, will hit Roe v. Wade's natal Mars and its nodes twice in 2001. The final "fated hit" takes place on July 19, 2001.


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