The Age Factor - Cycles of Development


The Age Factor:

When delineating a chart, it is important to know what age and what stage of maturity your client has reached. It is also important if you study your client's cultural background if you are working with someone who resides in a country different from yours. Age, level of maturity and culture play an enormous role in how one's life develops. For example, you would read the chart for an American teenager much differently than you would a 50 year old adult who lives in Australia.

Also, certain ages correspond to certain key aspects that describe the life stage a client has reached. The first Saturn return is key for people who are 29 to 30 years old, just as the second Saturn return is key for people who have reached the age of 59-60. Still, the first Saturn return speaks of a different rite of passage from the second Saturn Return. At the first Return, the young adult now faces choices that will lead him/her towards defining a secure life path. The second Saturn Return is one where the client has reached the pinnacle of career success and steps into the role of "wise one" while projecting into the retirement years.

Each person negotiates life's passages differently and in a way unique to the life. However, the age factor keys apply to everyone. Regardless of how radical or mainstream the lifestyle, each individual will face the same life passages. Addressing these issues in your readings will not only improve your accuracy, but will earn you respect from your clients.

Saturn Cycles:

Saturn resides in a sign for about 2 1/2 years. Saturn takes approximately 29 1/2 years to cycle the 12 signs of the zodiac. Dividing 29 1/2 by 12 equates to 2.4583333... years. Slight variances in retrograde cycles allow us to round the Saturn cycle out to about 29 1/2 years. Not everyone is born with Saturn conjunct the Ascendant (as I am) or in the first house. Saturn entered the sign of Taurus on February 28, 1999 and will remain in this Venus ruled sign for 2 1/2 years. Locate the house in which your Saturn resides and adapt the Saturn Table below to conform to where Saturn is posited in your chart. A nice way to work with this table is to take a blank chart wheel and copy this data to it. Then you can rotate the wheel to line up with your natal Saturn.

First House:
0 years to 2 years and 6 months
30 years to 32 years and 6 months
60 years to 62 years and 6 months

Second House:
2 years and 6 months to 5 years
32 years and 6 months to 34 years
62 years and 6 months to 65 years

Third House:
5 years to 7 years and 6 months
35 years to 37 yeras and 6 months
66 years to 67 years and 6 months

Fourth House:
7 years and 6 months to 18 years
37 years and 8 months to 40 years
67 years and 6months to 70 years

Fifth House:
18 years to 12 years and 6 months
40 years to 42 years and 6m months
70 years to 72 years and 6 months

Sixth House:
12 years and 6 months to 15 years
42 years and 6 months to 45 years
72 years and 6 months to 75 years

Seventh House:
15 years to 17 years and 6 months
46 years to 47 years and 6 months
75 years to 77 years and 6 months

Eighth House:
17 years and 6 months to 20 years
47 years and 6 months to 50 years
77 years and 6 months to 80 years

Ninth House:
20 years to 22 years and 60 months
50 years to 52 years and 6 months
80 years to 82 years and 6 months

Tenth House:
22 years and 6 months to 25 years
52 years and 6 months to 55 years
82 years and 6 months to 85 years

Eleventh House:
26 years to 27 years and 6 months
55 years to 57 years and 6 months
85 years to 87 years and 6 months

Twelth House:
27 years and 6 months to 38 years
57 years and 6months to 60 years
87 years and 6 months to 90 years

Ages & Stages:

Age 7: Waxing square of Saturn to its natal place

Age 12: First return of Jupiter to its natal place

Age 14: Saturn opposition natal Saturn

Age 19: New Lunar Node cycle begins

Age 21: Waning square of Saturn to its natal place

24: 2nd return of Jupiter to its natal place

27+ Progressed Moon returns to its natal place

29 1/2: First Saturn Return

30: The natal Sun-Moon aspect repeats itself in the progressions. Jupiter opposes natal Jupiter

Age 36: 2nd waxing square of Saturn to its natal place. 3rd return of Jupiter to its natal place

Age 38: New Lunar Node cycle begins

Age 42: Uranus opposition natal Uranus; Neptune in waxing square to natal Neptune; Jupiter opposition natal Jupiter

Age 44: 2nd opposition of Saturn to its natal place

Age 47: Inversion of the position of the Moon's nodes

Age 48: 4th return of Jupiter to its natal place

Age 51: 2nd waning square of Saturn to its natal place

Age 55: Progressed Moon returns for second time to its natal place

Age 56: Uranus in waning trine to Uranus; beginning of 4th nodal cycle

Age 59-60: 2nd return of Saturn to its natal place; 5th return of Jupiter to its natal place; Pluto in waxing square to its natal place; the natal Sun-Moon aspect repeats itself for the second time in the progressions

Age 63: Waning square of Uranus to its natal place

Age 65: Inversion of the position of the Moon's nodes

Age 66: 3rd waxing square of Saturn to its natal place

Age 72: 6th return of Jupiter to its natal place

Age 75: Beginning of 5th nodal cycle; 3rd opposition of Saturn to its natal place

Age 82-83: 2nd return of progressed Moon to its natal place

Age 84: Uranus returns to its natal place; 7th return of Jupiter to its natal place; inversion of the position of the Moon's nodes.

Cycles of Becoming by Alexander Ruperti, CRCS Publications, P.O. Box 1460, Sebastopol, California, 95472, USA, copyright © 1978




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