Election 2004
Democratic Party
Hillary Clinton, Wild Card
New York

"Alice Mason called 1/16/2003 to report that she had talked to the Clinton Dem. Office in New York and was told by a helpful associate (who wished to remain nameless) that Hillary Clinton was born at a recorded 8:02 AM. (Previous quotes vary from AM to PM. Celeste Longacre quotes her for 8:00 PM. Kit Boehrer writes (ACT online 11/2000), " I can confirm the 8:00 PM data. I have used this data for years (since before Bill became a presidential candidate the first time) and I received it from a very dear friend and good client who knew them well whose identity I cannot reveal." (Jaume Martín, editor Revista Astrológica MERCURIO-3 (Spain) quotes recently deceased Swiss astrologer Alexander Marr for a rectified time of 7:58 PM CST.) However Eileen Applegate quotes an article from the Chicago Sun Times stating, "Her mother went into Edgewater hospital after midnight and Hillary was born early on the morning of October 26th." In an article in "Horoscope" magazine, November 1998, by Frances C. McEvoy: "Mother states in article to 'Chicago Sun Times' in 1992 that Hillary was "born in time for breakfast." Basil Fearrington relates in January 2001, "A musician friend of mine played in the Democratic fund raiser for Al Gore in Manhattan this past summer. Afterwards he got a chance to talk to Hillary. Knowing my on-going love affair with astrological data (he is a student of mine), he asked Hillary what time she was born. Her exact words were, " I know it was very close to 8 AM, 4-5 minutes before or after." Webuser CMatr@aol.com writes that she was born in Park Ridge, IL. Pasmanabh rectifies to 10:45 AM, sidereal, submitted to AstroDatabank 7/2001.) Biography: Laura Ingraham, The Hillary Trap: Looking for Power in All the Wrong Places, 2000. As much as we would like to present this as documented data, AstroDatabank must maintain its standard of requiring hard copy to substantiate any data that was formerly Dirty Data." Astrodatabank

[I prefer the 8:00 AM time for Hillary. I think it works better. Even so, the data remains speculative. Use with caution. -- Starcats.]

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